Facility management/maintenance jobs/part-time jobs

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Recruitment information for equipment management and maintenance

[Recruiting 38 positions] On-site job openings and part-time jobs for equipment management and maintenance. Get a job in the field and improve your career! Tech System Co., Ltd. Tokyo Office, Yodosei Co., Ltd. (ID:yo0167022624-2w) and other facilities management/maintenance jobs are posted. Look for blue collar work at Genbars.

Facility management and maintenance job search results

38 ofThere is a job offer for equipment management and maintenance. (1-20)

    Welcoming entry level applicants! This is the work of installing and renovating elevators and escalators. Stable performance! Almost no overtime! Supports a five-day weekend system [114 days of annual vacation]

    Go to the recruitment information page of Tech System Co., Ltd. Tokyo office

    ▼About our company As a partner company of a major elevator manufacturer, our company is entrusted with the installation and renovation of elevators, escalators, mechanical parking lots, etc.We have received many needs throughout eastern Japan and are proud of our stable performance! ▼About recruitment This time, we are recruiting engineers with the aim of strengthening our system.Even now, we don't have a lot of overtime, but please lend us your help to create a more vibrant and comfortable company to work in! ▼The vice president is a cat!Our company's vice president is our signboard cat "Kotaro"!The Vice President is also looking forward to your application! ▼Almost no overtime Due to the nature of the job, although there is some emergency response, there is basically no overtime, and the average is about 15 hours per month! ▼An environment where your hard work is rewarded At our company, improving your skills is directly linked to increasing your income!Salary and bonuses will increase according to your efforts, so you can keep your motivation high! (Bonus 3.0 months/previous year results)

    • Bonus
    • There are various benefits
    • Work clothes rental
    • Experienced people welcome
    • There is a trial period
    • Eligibility acquisition
    • Less overtime
    • Weekly holidays 2 days
    • Full company insurance
    • Interview at any time
    • Telephone application
    Job category
    Elevator and escalator installation/repair staff
    Monthly salary: 220,000 yen to 300,000 yen ●Salary increases available (8,000 yen to 15,000 yen/month depending on previous year's results) ●Bonuses available (twice a year/based on previous year's results) ●Others...
    Busan Area
    ●Tokyo Office 11F Koyo Corporation, 11-18-1 Oshikiri, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture Sites are located throughout the metropolitan area ●Sendai Head Office 2-7-20 Oshirimachi Higashi, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture *Book...
    2024-04-17 15: 55: 26

    [Arakura, Wako City] Collection staff ◆ 126 days off per year / 4 to 5 hours of actual work / Long-established store established over 80 years / Family allowance included!

    Go to the job information page of Yodosei Co., Ltd. (ID:yo0167022624-2w)

    <Learn the job with two seniors! > After joining the company, you will immediately start working in OJT format. While accompanying senior drivers and work staff, participants will learn about the routes they are responsible for, tips for efficiently packing trash, and precautions to be taken when collecting items each day of the week. It's a simple process, so you can get used to it within a month. Also, in the early days after joining the company, you will be paired with a veteran driver, so you don't have to worry about getting used to it and having to work more overtime! <It is also possible to become a driver! > Some members become drivers after 2 to 1 years of joining the company. In that case, you will become a driver after a training period of about one year. Your monthly salary will be around 4 yen. The age range of the members ranges from 5s to 1s, with a focus on those in their 35s and 30s. Most of the employees are male, but there are also about four female employees (all in their 40s) who are also active. We also have work clothes for women and small vehicles, so it's a safe environment to work in. Many of the reasons for wanting to join the company are ``Ideal work''.

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Appointment of employees
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    collection staff
    Daily wage: 11,000 yen ~ *Salary will be determined based on experience and ability. <Monthly income example> ◆For shifts that allow you to go home early...Monthly income is around 22 yen (private time...
    Busan Area
    Wako City, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-17 05: 41: 27

    [Higashiikebukuro, Toshima Ward] Collection staff ◆ 126 days off per year / 4 to 5 hours of actual work / A long-established store established over 80 years / Family allowances included!

    Go to the job information page of Yodosei Co., Ltd. (ID:yo0167022624-1w)

    <Learn the job with two seniors! > After joining the company, you will immediately start working in OJT format. While accompanying senior drivers and work staff, participants will learn about the routes they are responsible for, tips for efficiently packing trash, and precautions to be taken when collecting items each day of the week. It's a simple process, so you can get used to it within a month. Also, in the early days after joining the company, you will be paired with a veteran driver, so you don't have to worry about getting used to it and having to work more overtime! <It is also possible to become a driver! > Some members become drivers after 2 to 1 years of joining the company. In that case, you will become a driver after a training period of about one year. Your monthly salary will be around 4 yen. The age range of the members ranges from 5s to 1s, with a focus on those in their 35s and 30s. Most of the employees are male, but there are also about four female employees (all in their 40s) who are also active. We also have work clothes for women and small vehicles, so it's a safe environment to work in. Many of the reasons for wanting to join the company are ``Ideal work''.

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Appointment of employees
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    collection staff
    Daily wage: 11,000 yen ~ *Salary will be determined based on experience and ability. <Monthly income example> ◆For shifts that allow you to go home early...Monthly income is around 22 yen (private time...
    Busan Area
    Toshima Ward, Tokyo
    2024-04-17 05: 41: 27

    [Urgent recruitment] Increase your income in a short time with free time/Hakone Kanko Hotel guest room bed making [17868]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-158w) job information page

    Cleaning staff at a hot spring facility in "Hakone" Work at a tourist spot ♪ High wage of 1,600 yen per hour Dependents and double work OK ☆ 彡 <Hotel guest room cleaning> Mainly make beds. *Cleaning will take approximately 1-15 minutes per room. *There is no cleaning around the water area. Each room will be cleaned by about 20 people. We work hard while talking to each other. Recommended for those who like a calm environment with a small number of people. +++ <Work environment> ・Many staff in their 1s are active ・The site manager is a kind and personable man <What happens after joining the company? > ・After joining the company, senior staff will teach you the work. Easy work that many people get used to in about a week! ●Changing rooms and lockers available 2 minutes walk from Hakone Yumoto Station

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hotel room cleaning
    Hourly wage 1,600 yen - 1,600 yen
    Busan Area
    Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 26

    [Urgent recruitment] Short time from 10-15:17870/Hakone Kanko Hotel common area cleaning [XNUMX]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-163w) job information page

    ”箱根”の温泉施設の清掃スタッフ 観光地でお仕事♪高時給1,600円 扶養内&ダブルワークOK☆彡 <ホテル客室の共有部清掃> ロビー、廊下、階段の清掃、ごみ回収、喫煙所、リネン庫、バックヤード等の清掃など ※掃除機等、簡単な道具を使用して清掃します。 ※客室や浴場の清掃はありません。 3~4フロア程清掃します。 各フロア2~3名体制で、 声をかけ合いながらもくもく作業します。 少人数の環境が落ち着く方におすすめ。 +++ <職場環境> ・50代の男性スタッフが多く活躍中 ・現場責任者は優しいお人柄の男性です <入社後は?> ・入社後は先輩スタッフが業務を教えます。 1週間程で慣れる人が多い簡単作業! 初心者の方も安心してください◎ ●更衣室、ロッカーあり 箱根湯本駅より徒歩10分

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Cleaning of hotel common areas
    Hourly wage 1,600 yen - 1,600 yen
    Busan Area
    Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 27

    [Urgent recruitment] No overtime/Office cleaning [18017]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-189w) job information page

    \ Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays / Full of private life ◎ No overtime! ▼Facility cleaning We mainly clean the common areas in the office. Mainly cleaning the water areas in the toilets and hot water supply rooms. Some of the trash cans in the building will be emptied, waste will be disposed of, and some will be vacuumed. This position is currently occupied by a female staff member. The inside of the building is relatively clean, so most of the cleaning is done to keep it clean. Wiping, sweeping, and other tasks can be done as an extension of household cleaning. It's a simple task that can be mastered in about a week! Once you memorize it, repeat the same thing over and over again! People who like diligent and fast-paced work work for long periods of time. +++ ▼What is the work environment like? Female staff members in their 1s to 30s are active. A small workplace with about 50 people working per shift. Recommended for those who don't like working in crowded places. The site manager is a kind and personable man. Contact

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Office cleaning
    Hourly wage 1,380 yen - 1,380 yen
    Busan Area
    Koto Ward, Tokyo
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 33

    [Urgent recruitment] Pachinko parlor cleaning staff for 2.5 hours early in the morning [17900]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-141w) job information page

    \高時給1500円/未経験OK 週払いOK⇒即お給料◎ 早朝の短時間2.5hで1日”3,750円”ゲット! ▼施設清掃 ・喫煙所、トイレ清掃(男女どちらも) ・床の清掃(モップ掛け、掃除機掛け) ・パチンコ台、スロット台の清掃 ・ゴミの回収 ・エスカレーターの手すり 掃除機やモップを使用します。 作業はシンプル×簡単で、 1週間程度で慣れる方がほとんど◎ 未経験から始める方も多い職場なので 初心者の方も安心してください♪ +++ <職場環境は?> 1シフト6名程が稼働しています。 男女比は半々ほど。 声を掛け合いながら協力して 清掃をしていきます。 40-45代のスタッフが活躍中! 現場責任者は優しいお人柄の男性です。 *髪色自由! 茶色、金髪でもOKです! *ネイル・マニキュア・ジェルネイルOK 渋谷駅から徒歩5分

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Pachinko parlor cleaning
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen - 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Shibuya Ward, Tokyo
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 23

    [Urgent recruitment] Hotel bed making and guest room cleaning staff [17157]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-216w) job information page

    \未経験から高時給1,400円スタート/ ●履歴書不要で応募可 ●経験がない方も大募集!! ●週3日~OK&15時までの時短勤務で Wワークや扶養内OK! <▼仕事内容> ホテルの客室清掃スタッフ ◎ベッドメイキング ◎客室全体の清掃 ◎トイレ、お風呂、洗面台水回りの清掃 ◎ゴミ回収など 接客がなく、モクモクこつこつとこなす作業! 接客が苦手な方も、人見知りな方も 安心してお仕事できます◎ ホテル清掃未経験者でもOK! 丁寧な研修と指導があるので、安心して働けます。 滞在するお客様に快適な時間を提供する縁の下の力持ち! 裏方のお仕事ですがやりがいあるお仕事♪ 蒲田駅より徒歩で約10分/京急蒲田駅より徒歩で約5分

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Room cleaning
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen - 1,400 yen
    Busan Area
    Ota Ward, Tokyo,
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 38

    [Urgent recruitment] Assistant hotel room cleaning manager [18070]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-44w) job information page

    3つ星のビジネスホテルで客室清掃責任者補佐 長期安定◎社会保険&有給休暇完備♪ 責任者補佐と清掃をお任せします 〇責任者補佐業務〇 ・定期清掃業者立会い対応 ・責任者の補佐 ・パートタイマー労務管理全般 ・フロント対応、電話対応 ・日報PC入力→フロント提出 ・リネン発注取りまとめFAX ・清掃チェック項目に沿った最終チェック 〇清掃業務〇 ・客室や館内清掃 ・水回りや家具類のふき取り ・シーツやタオルの交換 ・ベッドメイキング(清潔なシーツやカバーを取り付け) ・アメニティの補充点検 +++ ~応募資格~ 客室清掃業務の経験必須 ~補足~ 一室にかかる時間の目安:20分~25分 一日に清掃する部屋数の目安:約10部屋 1フロア20部屋。計約250部屋。 現状の稼働率80%~85% ~職場環境~ 入社後は責任者に同行して 業務の流れを覚えていきます

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Assistant hotel room cleaning manager
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen - 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 06

    [Urgent recruitment] Theme park hotel guest room linen collection [18067]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-112w) job information page

    You can stably increase your income with a high hourly wage! ! Weekly payment OK ⇒ Get paid instantly! 〇 World famous! Theme park hotel〇 Collecting linen from guest rooms (runner duties) Mainly collecting linen from rooms before cleaning and putting new linen in. For the first few days after joining the company, the site manager handles each task one by one. teach. Most people are able to do it by themselves in about a week! Once you get used to it, you can work alone. *Working time is about 1 minutes per room. Staff in their 1s to 1s are active! (Male/female ratio is 1/1) The on-site manager is a kind and personable man. *Uniforms provided, changing rooms, and lockers (with keys) available. *Hair color optional (non-flashy brown hair OK). *Room cleaning experience required (regardless of period). Maihama 1 minutes walk from the station

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    hotel linen collection
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen - 1,400 yen
    Busan Area
    Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 17

    [Urgent recruitment] Hotel housekeeping manager [17862]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-129w) job information page

    正社員でキャリアアップ!! 長期&安定してお仕事したい方☆彡 正社員登用前提で、現場のことを事前に把握できる紹介予定派遣のお仕事です <仕事内容内> ハウスキーピングに関する業務全般 ・メンバーのトレーニング及び育成、顧客満足度向上に向けた取り組み立案 ・客室清掃管理およびチェッカー業務 ・ゲストのリクエストに合わせたお部屋の手配/貸出品手配、消耗品/リネンの発注 ・棚卸、客室および備品などの維持メンテナンス管理 ・清掃コントロール、清掃員アサイン 等 *業務マニュアル完備 +++ <直接雇用条件> 派遣開始後6か月以内に判断 ・雇用形態:正社員 ・年収:300万円以上(経験・能力などで変更あり) ・転勤の可能性あり(長野県) <応募資格> *ハウスキーピング責任者経験、 もしくは客室清掃経験者でも可能 *英語で業務のコミ

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Appointment of employees
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hotel housekeeping manager
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen - 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Chuo Ward, Tokyo
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 20

    [Urgent recruitment] Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays/Linen laundry staff [18064]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-150w) job information page

    \ Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays / Full of private life! Long-term stability ◎ Fully equipped with social insurance and paid vacation ♪ 〇 Linen washing within the hospital 〇 This is the work of washing clothes, towels, and sheets collected within the hospital. A washing machine is used for washing. Specifically... - Load linen into the washing machine - Press the button to spin the washing machine - Fold the laundry *This is a worksite where female staff in their 20s to 40s are active.The onsite manager is also a woman *Uniform 11 minutes walk from Ashigara Station / Motorcycle, bicycle, and car commuting OK / Free parking available

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    linen laundry
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen - 1,400 yen
    Busan Area
    Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 24

    [Urgent recruitment] Cleaning of nursing care facility opening in April [4]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-17w) job information page

    \Opening Staff Recruitment/ Would you like to make a fresh start and work at a new workplace? Everyone is starting from zero, so you can start with no experience◎ *Double work in dependents is OK* 〇Facility cleaning〇 Cleaning toilets ・Vacuuming and mopping floors ・Wiping desks ・Sweeping and cleaning common areas such as stairs After joining the company We will teach you cleaning methods and procedures. Let's start remembering the simple things little by little. Motorcycle/bicycle commuting OK

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Facility cleaning
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen - 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Minami Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 01

    [Urgent recruitment] Patrol cleaning within the hospital [17740]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-164w) job information page

    ▼Hospital cleaning ・Cleaning of consultation rooms and examination rooms before opening ・Cleaning of toilets ・Cleaning of wards ・Laundry work ・Preparation for the next day No special tools are used! ! It's a simple task, so even inexperienced people can do it. Basically, you can do the work by yourself, so even those who are shy can feel at ease. +++ After joining the company, senior staff will work with you and teach you the process. Most people become independent in about 1 weeks! ! Once you get used to it, you can clean it by yourself. Many of our staff members are in their 2s. Once you learn something, you'll have to do the same thing over and over again, so it's recommended for people who want to work long-term and stably. ■Uniform/work clothes rental Motorcycle, bicycle, car commuting OK/Free parking available

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    hospital cleaning
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen - 1,300 yen
    Busan Area
    Tama City, Tokyo
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 27

    [Urgent recruitment] 16 hours from 18-2 o'clock x 3 days a week / Health checkup center cleaning [18043]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-156w) job information page

    \Short-time shift only for 2 hours in the evening/ Dependent work and double work OK! Earn pocket money in your free time ♪ ▼Cleaning inside the medical examination center - Sweeping and cleaning the floors - Cycling cleaning of the toilets - Wiping down the desks The work is simple, so once you learn it, you can do it over and over again! This is a job that you can start with no experience. Female staff are currently active. There are many stations and shops in the surrounding area, so it's easy to make plans for things other than work. *5 minute walk from Kawasaki Station where uniforms are provided.

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen - 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 25

    [Urgent recruitment] Pajama and towel rental reception/data entry [16516]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-130w) job information page

    <未経験OK!!> 長期安定◎社保完備&有給休暇あり 病院内でのリネン管理、 セットレンタル業務をお任せします。 ▼具体的には... ・パジャマやタオルの配布及び回収 ・レンタルの受付 ・簡単なパソコン入力(申込者の氏名、住所など) ・病室へ申し込みしたセットレンタル品の配布 ・各病棟の専用棚に商品の補充 ・使用済みのパジャマ・タオル類の回収 ※当病院内の洗濯業務にも携わって頂く場合あり +++ 未経験から取り組める作業ばかりなので、 経験が無い方も安心してご応募ください!! 一度覚えたら同じことの繰り返しなので 長期&安定して働きたい方におすすめです。 梅屋敷駅から徒歩7分/蒲田駅から徒歩15分 ※自転車通勤OK

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    linen recovery
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen - 1,400 yen
    Busan Area
    Ota Ward, Tokyo,
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 20

    [Urgent recruitment] Office cleaning for 3 hours in the early morning [18075]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-25w) job information page

    <High hourly wage of 1500 yen for those with no experience> Earn pocket money by working in the morning! ! You can increase your income with your free time♪ 〇Office facility cleaning〇 You will patrol the common areas of office buildings and clean the toilets. Cleaning and managing equipment. Once you learn something, you repeat the same thing over and over again. Since the work is simple, you can even start with no experience! After joining the company, a senior staff member will teach you the flow of her work. This is a workplace where female staff members are active. *Uniforms available 5 minutes walk from Toranomon Hills Station

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Office cleaning
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen - 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Minato-ku, Tokyo
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 02

    [Urgent recruitment] Short-time work/Hot spring cleaning in Hakone [17869]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-166w) job information page

    Cleaning staff at a hot spring facility in "Hakone" Work at a tourist spot ♪ High wage 1,600 yen per hour Dependency & double work OK ☆ 彡 <Hot spring cleaning> Refilling shampoos, brushing floors, high pressure washer, water quality testing, etc. Cleaning will be done in teams of 2-3 people. We work hard while talking to each other. Recommended for those who like a calm environment with a small number of people. <Work environment> ・Many male staff members in their 50s are active ・The site manager is a kind and personable man <What happens after joining the company? > ・After joining the company, senior staff will teach you the work. Easy work that many people get used to in about a week! ●Changing rooms and lockers available 1 minutes walk from Hakone Yumoto Station

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hot spring cleaning in Hakone
    Hourly wage 1,600 yen - 1,600 yen
    Busan Area
    Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 28

    [Urgent recruitment] Hotel room cleaning [18073]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-43w) job information page

    4つ星のビジネスホテルで清掃! 長期安定◎社会保険&有給休暇完備♪ 〇ホテル清掃〇 分担制(ベッド担当・水回り担当)で分かれて作業をします。 日により担当は異なります。 ・ベッド担当 ベッドメイキング、清潔なシーツやカバーを取り付け ※ベットはデュベタイプ ・水回り担当 トイレ、バスの水回りの拭き掃除 客室清掃経験のある方を優先して採用します。 経験のない方もご応募いただけます。 白金台駅から徒歩5分

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hotel room cleaning
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen - 1,400 yen
    Busan Area
    Minato-ku, Tokyo
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 06

    [Urgent Recruitment] Dependents & double work available/Hotel cleaning staff [17747]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-153w) job information page

    Dependency & double work OK☆彡 Increase your income in a short time in your spare time♪ Weekly payment OK⇒Get paid instantly! ! ▼Hotel cleaning staff ・Mopping changing rooms in bathhouses, wiping down water areas ・Cleaning toilets, replenishing toilet paper and detergent ・Sweeping entrances and hallways ★Easy to do as it uses a small vacuum cleaner ・Garbage collection Basically, you can clean the area by yourself, so even those who are shy can feel at ease. Of course, after joining the company, a senior colleague will work with you and teach you the steps! This is a simple cleaning that many people leave on their own after about a week. +++ *Many staff members in their 1s and 1s are active *Uniforms are provided *Hair color is optional 40 minutes walk from Kawasaki Station or Keikyu Kawasaki Station *Commuting by bicycle is OK

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hotel cleaning (no guest rooms)
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen - 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 24

38 ofThere is a job offer for equipment management and maintenance. (1-20)