Work clothes lending Cleaning work jobs / part-time job recruitment

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Work clothes lending job information for cleaning work

[Recruiting 283 jobs] Work clothes rental, on-site job openings and part-time jobs for cleaning work. Get a job as a cleaning worker and improve your career! Yodosei Co., Ltd. (ID: yo0167022624-1w), Yodosei Co., Ltd. (ID: yo0167022624-2w), etc. post job openings for work clothes rental and cleaning work. Look for blue collar work at Genbars.

Job search results for cleaning work

283 ofWork clothes rental There is a job offer for cleaning work. (1-20)

    [Higashiikebukuro, Toshima Ward] Collection staff ◆ 126 days off per year / 4 to 5 hours of actual work / A long-established store established over 80 years / Family allowances included!

    Go to the job information page of Yodosei Co., Ltd. (ID:yo0167022624-1w)

    <Learn the job with two seniors! > After joining the company, you will immediately start working in OJT format. While accompanying senior drivers and work staff, participants will learn about the routes they are responsible for, tips for efficiently packing trash, and precautions to be taken when collecting items each day of the week. It's a simple process, so you can get used to it within a month. Also, in the early days after joining the company, you will be paired with a veteran driver, so you don't have to worry about getting used to it and having to work more overtime! <It is also possible to become a driver! > Some members become drivers after 2 to 1 years of joining the company. In that case, you will become a driver after a training period of about one year. Your monthly salary will be around 4 yen. The age range of the members ranges from 5s to 1s, with a focus on those in their 35s and 30s. Most of the employees are male, but there are also about four female employees (all in their 40s) who are also active. We also have work clothes for women and small vehicles, so it's a safe environment to work in. Many of the reasons for wanting to join the company are ``Ideal work''.

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Appointment of employees
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    collection staff
    Daily wage: 11,000 yen ~ *Salary will be determined based on experience and ability. <Monthly income example> ◆For shifts that allow you to go home early...Monthly income is around 22 yen (private time...
    Busan Area
    Toshima Ward, Tokyo
    2024-04-17 05: 41: 27

    [Arakura, Wako City] Collection staff ◆ 126 days off per year / 4 to 5 hours of actual work / Long-established store established over 80 years / Family allowance included!

    Go to the job information page of Yodosei Co., Ltd. (ID:yo0167022624-2w)

    <Learn the job with two seniors! > After joining the company, you will immediately start working in OJT format. While accompanying senior drivers and work staff, participants will learn about the routes they are responsible for, tips for efficiently packing trash, and precautions to be taken when collecting items each day of the week. It's a simple process, so you can get used to it within a month. Also, in the early days after joining the company, you will be paired with a veteran driver, so you don't have to worry about getting used to it and having to work more overtime! <It is also possible to become a driver! > Some members become drivers after 2 to 1 years of joining the company. In that case, you will become a driver after a training period of about one year. Your monthly salary will be around 4 yen. The age range of the members ranges from 5s to 1s, with a focus on those in their 35s and 30s. Most of the employees are male, but there are also about four female employees (all in their 40s) who are also active. We also have work clothes for women and small vehicles, so it's a safe environment to work in. Many of the reasons for wanting to join the company are ``Ideal work''.

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Appointment of employees
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    collection staff
    Daily wage: 11,000 yen ~ *Salary will be determined based on experience and ability. <Monthly income example> ◆For shifts that allow you to go home early...Monthly income is around 22 yen (private time...
    Busan Area
    Wako City, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-17 05: 41: 27

    [Contract] [Komazawa University Station] Light work at a national hospital!No gender! Active in their 20s to 40s★

    Watakyu Seymour Tokyo Branch//To the job information page of Tokyo Medical Center (Job ID: 36089)

    ▼こんな方にオススメ▼ ・立ち仕事や体を動かす仕事がしたい方 ・テキパキと動くことが得意な方 ・周りと協力して作業を進めたい方 ・病院で働きたい方 ・土日祝はお休みしたい方 ======= ■就業先:独立行政法人国立病院機構 東京医療センター ※当社請負契約先でのご就業となります ■雇用形態:契約社員 ■勤務時間・日数 [月~金] (1)07:45~16:45 (2)10:00~19:00 (3)11:00~20:00 ◎休憩60分 ◎3シフト交代制による週5日勤務 ※遅番は遅番固定が可 ◎残業少なめ:3~5時間程度/月平均 ■休日・休暇 土曜日・日曜日・祝祭日(完全週休二日制) ★有給休暇がとりやすい現場です! ■待遇 □社会保険完備 □昇給年1回 □制服貸与(クリーニング無料) □有給休暇あり □院内食堂利用可 □慰安会 □定期健康診断 □インフルエンザ等の予防接種 □慶弔見舞金 □誕生日プレゼントあり □育児休暇・産前産後休暇実績あり □社員登用制度あり ------------------------------

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Appointment of employees
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen ~
    Busan Area
    2-5-1 Higashigaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
    2024-04-16 02: 41: 24

    [P] [Chofu Station] Cleaning job in the hospital! Closing at 16:XNUMX x Closed on Sundays and public holidays

    Go to WATAQ Seymour Tokyo Branch // Kitatama Hospital (Job ID: 38109) job information page

    Female staff are active! It doesn't matter if it's just a small thing♪ ``I want to do a job that moves my body.'' ``I like being clean, so I want to do it.'' ``I want to make use of my cleaning experience.'' ``I want to work at a hospital.'' If you're interested, please apply! --------------------------- ■Work location: Kitatama Hospital *You will work at our company's contracted company. ■Employment type: Part-time ■Working hours/days [Monday to Saturday] 8:00-16:30 60 minutes break ◎Working 5 days a week by shift ◎No overtime ■Holidays: Sundays and holidays + shift system ■Compensation□Social insurance Fully equipped □ Salary increase once a year □ Uniform loan □ Paid vacation □ Birthday gift □ Regular health check □ Influenza vaccination □ Congratulatory and condolence money □ Childcare leave / maternity leave before and after childbirth *Please contact the company after applying for measures against passive smoking .

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,200 yen
    Busan Area
    4-1-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo
    2024-04-23 02: 41: 44

    [Contract] [Long-term] [Suga Station] Recruitment of cleaning staff★12:00-21:00 x 5 days a week

    Go to WATAQ Seymour Kanto Branch // Chiba Medical Center (Job ID: 41141) job information page

    すぐにご勤務開始できる方、大歓迎です♪ 「清掃の経験を活かしたい」 「同じところで長く勤めたい」 「コツコツ黙々とお仕事したい」 少しでも気になったら是非ご応募下さい! あなたのご応募をお待ちしております! ――――――――――――――― ■就業先:千葉メディカルセンター ■雇用元:ワタキューセイモア株式会社 ※当社請負契約先でのご就業となります ■雇用形態:契約社員 ■契約期間:初回は6月まで、その後1年更新 ■試用期間:3ヶ月※条件変更なし ■勤務時間・日数 [月~土(祝日含む)]12:00~21:00 ◎実働8時間/休憩60分 ◎シフトによる週5日勤務 ■休日 日曜日+シフトによる ■待遇 社会保険完備 制服貸与 昇給あり 有給休暇 誕生日プレゼント 定期健康診断 インフルエンザワクチンの接種 慶弔見舞金 試用期間3ヶ月※条件変更なし ※受動喫煙対策については、応募後に企業へお問い合わせください。

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,100 yen
    Busan Area
    1-7-1 Minami-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba
    2024-04-01 02: 44: 10

    [P] [Katakuracho Station] Cleaning and bed making at nursing care facility ★ 2-3 days a week x 16:XNUMX closing time

    Watakyu Seymour Tokyo Branch // PD House Jindaiji (Job ID: 40866) Job information page

    ▼こんな方にオススメ▼ ・扶養内で働きたい方 ・短時間で働きたい方 ・不況に負けない安定した職場で働きたい方 ・子育てが終わったので働きたい方 ・ブランクOKの仕事を探している方 --------------------------- ■就業先:PDハウス神大寺 ■雇用元:ワタキューセイモア株式会社 ※当社請負契約先でのご就業となります ■雇用形態:パート・アルバイト ■契約期間:初回は6月まで、その後1年更新 ■試用期間:3ヶ月※条件変更なし ■勤務時間・日数 [月~金]9:00~16:00(実働6時間/休憩60分) ◎シフトによる週2~3日勤務 ※曜日固定の相談OK ■休日・休暇 土曜日、日曜日、祝日、他シフトによる ■待遇 労災保険加入(扶養内OK) 昇給年1回 制服貸与 有給休暇 定期健康診断 インフルエンザワクチンの接種 慶弔見舞金 正社員登用制度:実績あり 育児休暇・産前産後休暇実績あり ※受動喫煙対策については、応募後に企業へお問い合わせください。

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,250 yen
    Busan Area
    2-39-25 Jindaiji, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-03 02: 43: 07

    [P] [Ichinoe Station] Cleaning work at Keiyo Hospital ★ Short-time work 4 days a week

    Go to WATAQ Seymour Tokyo Branch//Keiyo Hospital (Job ID: 39307) job information page

    ■勤務先名:京葉病院 ■雇用元:ワタキューセイモア株式会社 ※当社請負契約先でのご就業となります ■雇用形態:パート・アルバイト ■契約期間:初回は6月まで、その後1年更新 ■試用期間:3ヶ月※条件変更なし ■勤務時間・日数 [火水土] 13:00~16:00(休憩なし) [日曜日] 07:00~10:00(休憩なし) ◎シフトによる週4日勤務(出勤曜日は相談可能) ◎残業なし ■休日・休暇 月・木・金 ■待遇・福利厚生 □労災保険加入(扶養内パート) □昇給年1回 □有給休暇 □制服貸与 □インフルエンザ等の予防接種 □誕生日プレゼント □慶弔見舞金 ※受動喫煙対策については、応募後に企業へお問い合わせください。

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Appointment of employees
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,200 yen
    Busan Area
    2-43-12 Matsue, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo
    2024-04-11 02: 41: 49

    [Contract] [Ashigara, Isoda] Hospital operating room staff★Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays! !

    Watakyu Seymour Tokyo Branch//Go to Odawara City Hospital (Job ID: 40928) job information page

    ★経験や資格は一切不問です! 経験や資格がなくても始められる病院のお仕事です。 ▼こんな方にオススメ▼ ・体を動かす仕事がしたい方 ・テキパキ動くことが得意な方 ・キレイ好きな方 ・病院で働きたい方 ・安定した業界で働きたい方 ・仕事を通して専門知識を身につけたい方 ーーーーーーーーーー ■就業先:小田原市立病院 ■雇用元:ワタキューセイモア株式会社 ※当社請負契約先でのご就業となります ■雇用形態:契約社員 ■契約期間:初回は6月まで、その後1年更新 ■試用期間:3ヶ月※条件変更なし ■勤務時間・日数 【月~金】 (1) 8:30~17:30(休憩60分) (2)11:00~20:00(休憩60分) ※週5日勤務 ※(1)(2)のシフト制 ■休日・休暇 土曜日、日曜日、祝日 ※ただし3連休以上になる場合は、どちらかで出勤いただく可能性があります。 ■待遇 □社会保険完備 □昇給年1回 □有給休暇あり □制服貸与 □休憩室あり(テレビ・ポット・ 電子レンジ完備) □職員

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,200 yen
    Busan Area
    46 Kuno, Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 42: 49

    [P] [Kamimizo Station] Clean staff at the hospital★Ends at 16:4 pm x Works 5-XNUMX days a week

    Go to the job information page of Watakyu Seymour Tokyo Branch//Medical Corporation Fukujukai Aikawa Northern Hospital (Job ID: 39992)

    There are many female staff members, but this is a job where anyone can play an active role regardless of gender! Department: 8 people Average age: 65 years old --------------------------- ▼Recommended for the following people▼ - Want to work early in the morning・Those who want to work in a stable workplace ・Those who like to move their bodies ・Those who are looking for a job where inexperience is OK ・Those who are good at working silently ・Those who want to work in routine work ------- -------------------- ■Work location: Aikawa Northern Hospital, Fukujukai Medical Corporation *You will work at our company's contracted company. ■Employment type: Part-time worker / Contract employee ■Transportation 20 minutes by bus from JR Sagami Line "Kamizo Station"★Commuting by car, motorcycle, or bicycle is OK! ■Working hours/days [Monday to Saturday] 7:30 to 16:30 (60 minutes break) ◎4 to 5 days a week depending on shift ◎Almost no overtime: 3 hours/month average ■Holidays Sundays and holidays, depending on other shifts ( (Working during long holidays such as year-end and New Year holidays is negotiable) ■Welfare benefits□Complete social insurance□Salary increase once a year□Full transportation expenses paid: The distance from work to home is 1 in a straight line

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,200 yen
    Busan Area
    281-1 Kakuda, Aikawa Town, Aiko District, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 42: 22

    [P] [Yaniho Station] Cleaning/bed making at nursing care facility★Working days negotiable!

    Watakyu Seymour Tokyo Branch//PD House Kunitachi (Job ID: 41118) Go to job information page

    ▼こんな方にオススメ▼ ・早めの終業時間希望の方 ・短時間で働きたい方 ・不況に負けない安定した職場で働きたい方 ・子育てが終わったので働きたい方 ・ブランクOKの仕事を探している方 --------------------------- ■就業先:PDハウス国立 ■雇用元:ワタキューセイモア株式会社 ※当社請負契約先でのご就業となります ■雇用形態:パート・アルバイト ■契約期間:初回は6月まで、その後1年更新 ■試用期間:3ヶ月※条件変更なし ■勤務時間・日数 [月~金] (1)9:00~15:00(休憩60分) (2)9:00~16:00(休憩60分) [土曜日] (3)9:00~12:00(休憩なし) ◎残業少なめ:月3時間程度 ◎(1)~(3)のシフトによる週2~3日勤務(日数相談OK) ※(1)と(2)は半々ぐらいの割合 ※土曜勤務は月1回程度 どの時間帯もご対応いただきます(時間固定不可) 勤務曜日については相談OKです ■休日・休暇 日曜・祝日、他シフトによる ※但し大型連休時の祝日出勤あり ■待遇

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,250 yen
    Busan Area
    5878-9 Yaho, Kunitachi City, Tokyo
    2024-04-03 02: 43: 53

    [P] [Takanawadai Station] Cleaning and sterilization of medical equipment and cleaning of operating rooms

    Go to the job information page of Watakyu Seymour Tokyo Branch//Tokyo Takanawa Hospital (Job ID: 41414)

    ▼こんな方にオススメ▼ ・細かい作業が好きな方 ・テキパキと動くことが得意な方 ・接客より作業系が好きな方 ・周りと協力して作業を進めたい方 ・仕事を通してスキルを身につけたい方 ・病院で働きたい方 ・病院勤務(看護助手など)の経験を活かしたい方 --------------------------- ■就業先:東京高輪病院 ■雇用元:ワタキューセイモア株式会社 ※当社請負契約先でのご就業となります ■雇用形態:パート・アルバイト ■契約期間:初回は6月まで、その後1年更新 ■試用期間:3ヶ月※条件変更なし ■勤務時間・日数 [月~金] 早番 08:30~17:15 遅番 09:15~18:00 ◎休憩60分 ◎週5日勤務 ◎シフト制 ■休日・休暇 土日祝日休み(完全週休2日制) ■待遇 □社会保険完備 □昇給あり □有給休暇あり □制服貸与 □定期健康診断 □インフルエンザワクチン接種 □慶弔見舞金 □資格取得支援制度あり □正社員登用制度:実績あり □育児休暇・産前産後休暇実績あり ※受

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,250 yen
    Busan Area
    3-10-11 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    2024-04-12 02: 43: 08

    [P] [Hana Koganei/Kodaira] Operating room staff★Short hours from evening!

    Watakyu Seymour Tokyo Branch//Go to public Showa Hospital (Job ID: 37588) job information page

    ■就業先:公立昭和病院 ※当社請負契約先でのご就業となります。 ■雇用形態:パート・アルバイト ■給与 【時給】1,300円~ 【交通費】全額支給(規定あり) <月収例>78,000円(1,300円×月60時間勤務として算出) ■勤務時間・日数 [月~金] 18:00~22:00 休憩なし  ※18:00~21:00(3時間勤務・休憩なし)の時間帯も募集! ※19:00スタート希望の方も相談に応じます♪ ◎週2~5日程度勤務(※勤務日数応相談) ◎残業なし ◎ダブルワーク希望の方もご相談下さい! ■休日 土日・祝+シフトによる ■待遇 □労災保険加入(加入要件満たした方は社会保険完備) □昇給年1回 □制服貸与 □有給休暇 □病院内にコンビニあり □定期健康診断 □インフルエンザワクチンの接種 □誕生日プレゼント □慶弔見舞金 □正社員登用制度:実績あり □育児休暇・産前産後休暇実績あり □食事補助あり ※受動喫煙対策については、応募後に企業へお問い合わせください。

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly salary 1,300 yen
    Busan Area
    8-1-1 Hanakoganei, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo
    2024-04-23 02: 41: 38

    Work only 1 hours a day ♪ 3 days a week OK! Recruiting cleaning staff in the hospital ♪

    Go to Fine Co., Ltd. (Higashi Tokorozawa Hospital) cleaning job information page

    [Employer] Fine Co., Ltd. *Please contact the company after applying for information on measures against passive smoking.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Any age
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,028 yen to 1,200 yen
    Busan Area
    435-1 Jo, Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-27 02: 42: 07

    There is a generous follow-up system that will give you a worry-free start! Would you like to grow together?

    Basia Kurihashi (337) Go to the floor (stocking) department job information page

    《Welfare benefits》 Retirement age is 65 years old (indefinite term employment: 6 months trial period) *Extension possible after that.Transportation expenses provided within regulations, free parking available Wage revision (April), paid leave system, maternity/childcare leave system, Nursing care/congratulatory/condolence leave system, health checkup (once a year) Salary increase system available (fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, meat, prepared foods) *Perishables skill test system (basic 4 yen, beginner 1 yen, intermediate 2,000 yen, advanced 3,000 yen/month) W Work is possible (however, the contract is for a total of 5,000 hours or less per day and 10,000 hours or less per week with the concurrent company, and the working hours at our company are less than 1 hours per week (short-time work contract). ) The employer is Beisia Co., Ltd. *For information on countermeasures against passive smoking, please contact the company after applying.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Foreigners welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,028 yen to 1,078 yen
    Busan Area
    6-15-1 Kurihashi Higashi, Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-23 02: 41: 59

    [Week 3 ~] Inexperienced welcome ♪ Would you like to learn the skills of a professional cleaning service master?

    Duskin Toriyama branch service master (professional cleaning staff) recruitment information page

    The cleaning job where you can see the results as soon as you do it is rewarding enough.It's a cleaning job that silently faces the dirt, but I'm often thanked for being clean, so I can feel the joy and reward more than money.It is also recommended for those who want to acquire specialized skills and knowledge through work! *Please contact the company after applying for information on passive smoking measures.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Any age
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,200 yen ~
    Busan Area
    XNUMX Toriyamacho, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 42: 15

    Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays GW summer New Year's holidays Closed!

    Go to Duskin Toyo Merry Maid (house cleaning staff) job information page

    I think that anyone who is a first-timer is uneasy.So did I at first.I understand how you feel, so when you join the company, I will teach you carefully one by one.Please rest assured.Please lend me your strength ☆ Thank you very much. *Please contact the company after applying for information on passive smoking measures.

    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Any age
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Appointment of employees
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen to 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    2-15-25 Kitasuna, Koto-ku, Tokyo
    2024-04-01 02: 41: 24

    《After training ⇒ Daily wage 8000 or more》 Recruitment of building maintenance staff [employee appointment available]

    Go to the recruitment information page of BRIGHT Co., Ltd.

    * For measures against second-hand smoke, please contact the company after applying.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Appointment of employees
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Daily salary from 8,000 yen
    Busan Area
    127 Ichisawacho, Asahi Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 41: 17

    Honda car wash business!Since there is a car wash machine, inexperienced people are also welcome!

    To the job information page of Honda Promotion Co., Ltd. (Kawagoe Chuo)

    * For measures against second-hand smoke, please contact the company after applying.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,100 yen to 1,200 yen
    Busan Area
    129 Sunashinden, Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 41: 23

    [Duskin cleaning] No experience required★\Dependents OK/1 week~★Salary increases and bonuses available★

    Duskin Service Master Care Kawasaki (Nac Co., Ltd.) job information page

    \This kind of person is very welcome! / "I can work for a long time, but only 1-2 days a week!" "I want to learn cleaning techniques!" "I just want to earn money!" "I want to work in a workplace where housewives (husbands) can thrive!" [Benefits] ★Salary increase available●Training Limited period★Bonuses available ●Lockers available★Company discounts available for products handled (Duskin products/Kurikura, etc.) ●Full-time promotion possible★Influenza vaccination ●Independent system available *Please contact the company after applying for information on countermeasures against passive smoking.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Appointment of employees
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,250 yen ~
    Busan Area
    347-5 Shimohirama, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 42: 43

    [Two days a week ~ & Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are off! ]☆ It is a job that is easy to balance with family ♪

    Go to Duskin Miyahara Branch Merry Maid (housekeeping staff) job information page

    [Characteristics of this job] Would you like to make effective use of your spare time? "Only while children are at school" "Between housework and childcare" It is possible to work for only a few hours ◎ We are waiting for your application! [A lot of people like this are active! 】 ・Inexperienced people ・Housewives (husbands) looking for a part-time job ・W workers ・Seniors ・Middle-aged and elderly people looking for a job Please contact the company after applying.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Any age
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 1,100 yen ~
    Busan Area
    XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX Miyaharacho, Kita Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 41: 54

283 ofWork clothes rental There is a job offer for cleaning work. (1-20)