Recruitment of forklift operators and part-time jobs

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Forklift operator vacancies

[Recruiting 8 positions] Forklift operator job openings/part-time job openings. Get a job as a forklift operator and improve your career! Job openings for forklift operators are posted at Hot Stuff Kurashiki Co., Ltd. (ID:ho0521101823-7w), Hot Stuff Kurashiki Co., Ltd. (ID:ho0521101823-11w), etc. Look for blue collar work at Genbars.

Forklift operator job search results

8 ofThere is a job offer for a forklift operator. (1-8)

    Just use the lift in the factory to move it smoothly/Kurashiki City/hourly wage 1300 yen

    Go to the job information page of Hot Staff Kurashiki Co., Ltd. (ID:ho0521101823-7w)

    Move and load to the warehouse using a lift [5 easy steps from application to start of work] (1) Apply Apply by clicking the entry button below!! After that, we will call you from 086-441-9800 (in the case of Saturdays and Sundays) will be on the following Monday) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (2) Interview We will ask you about your employment conditions and wishes at the Hot Staff Kurashiki office and provide you with job information (we will not make unsolicited proposals!! ) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (3) Workplace tour Visit a workplace that interests you with our company representative... (You can actually see and confirm the environment, work content, etc.!!) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (4) After inspecting the employment contract, if it suits your wishes, we will sign the employment contract (filling out and copying the necessary documents, etc.) at the office ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (5) Start of work On the day of starting work Rest assured that our representative will be with you. (Of course, we will do our best to follow up after work) Forklift license, night shift, OK to commute by car, night shift exclusive, outdoor smoking area, commuting allowance *Regulations apply, retirement allowance system

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Move and stack to warehouse using lift
    Hourly wage from 1,300 yen
    Busan Area
    Kurashiki-shi, Okayama-ken
    2024-04-26 05: 42: 12

    Sorting dry food using a forklift/Soja City/hourly wage 1130 yen

    Go to the job information page of Hot Staff Kurashiki Co., Ltd. (ID:ho0521101823-11w)

    Sorting food at a food distribution center using a forklift [5 easy steps from application to start of work] (1) Apply Apply from the entry button below!! After that, we will call you from 086-441-9800 ( (If it is a Saturday or Sunday, it will be the following Monday) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (2) Interview at the Hot Staff Kurashiki office, we will ask you about your working conditions and wishes, and provide you with job information (we will not make unilateral proposals) ) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (3) Workplace tour Visit a workplace that interests you with our company staff... (You can actually see the environment, work content, etc.!!) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (4) After viewing the employment contract, if it suits your wishes, we will conclude the employment contract (filling in and copying the necessary documents, etc.) at the office ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (5) Start work Don't worry, our representative will be with you on the opening day. (Of course, we will do our best to follow up after work) Inexperienced people welcome, Forklift license, Night shift, Commuting by car OK, Night shift only, Weekly

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Sorting food at a food distribution center using a forklift
    Hourly wage from 1,130 yen
    Busan Area
    Okayama Prefecture Soja City
    2024-04-26 05: 42: 13

    [You can choose your time slot♪] Forklift work such as transporting pallets <Overtime is about 10 hours a month! >

    Go to the job information page of Hot Staff Mihara Co., Ltd. (ID:ho0504080822-4w)

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■ Here's the point ■ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ・With heating and cooling, you can work comfortably all year round♪ ・You can work by making use of your qualifications♪・Earn more than 5 yen per month by working 20 days a week◎ ━━━━━━━━━ ■ Commuting method ■ ━━━━━━━━━ ・Car, motorcycle, bicycle, public transportation *Free parking, Bicycle parking available ━━━━━━━━━ ■ Workplace facilities ■ ━━━━━━━━━ ・Locker room/rest room (with microwave and refrigerator) ・Air conditioner available ・Vending machine available━━━━━ ━━━━ ■ Clothes ■ ━━━━━━━━━ ・Uniform: Available / Free loan ━━━━━━━━━ ■ Appearance ■ ━━━━━━━━━ ・Hair color is free ━━ ━━━━━━━ ■ Employee Composition ■ ━━━━━━━━━ ・Number of employees: Approximately 200・Gender ratio: 7 men: 3 women ・Males in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s・Most of the women are active.★Please become a member of Hot Staff Mihara★ Let's work hard together▼・ω・▽

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Forklift work such as transporting pallets
    Hourly wage: 1,250 yen to 1,563 yen.
    Busan Area
    Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture
    2024-04-25 05: 43: 16

    The hourly wage is really good!Transportation/shipping work using a counter lift [Bizen City/hourly wage 1400 yen]

    To the recruitment information page of Hot Staff Okayama [231009900072]

    Transport and shipping work using a counterlift [5 easy steps from application to start of work] (1) Apply Apply from the entry button below!! After that, we will call you from 086-226-6200 (if on Saturday or Sunday) (The next Monday) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (2) Interview Hot Staff will ask you about your working conditions and wishes at the Okayama office, and will provide you with job information (we will not make unsolicited proposals!!) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (3) Workplace tour Visit a workplace that interests you with our company representative... (You can actually see and confirm the environment, work content, etc.!!) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (4) After inspecting the employment contract, if it suits your wishes, we will conclude the employment contract at our office (filling in the necessary documents, making copies, etc.) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ (5) Start the work On the day you start work, you will be at our company. Don't worry, the person in charge will be with you. (Of course, we will do our best to follow up after work) Forklift license, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off, separate indoor smoking areas, commuting allowance *Regulations apply, retirement allowance system available.

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Appointment of employees
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Transport and shipping work using a counter lift
    Hourly wage from 1,400 yen
    Busan Area
    Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture
    2024-04-26 05: 33: 21

    [Urgent recruitment] Forklift light work [18071]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-42w) job information page

    長期安定◎社会保険&有給休暇完備♪ ■フォークリフト軽作業 化粧品やゴルフ用品の販売をしている会社で、 フォークリフト(立ち・座り作業)での出荷作業を行います。 リーチリフト、カウンターリフトどちらも使用します。 30-50代の男性スタッフが活躍中の職場。 1シフト5名程が働いています。 声を掛け合いながら協力して業務を行います。 現場責任者は優しい親身なお人柄の男性です。 *更衣室、ロッカーあり バイク、自転車、車通勤OK/無料駐車場完備

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hourly wage 1,350 yen - 1,350 yen
    Busan Area
    Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 05

    [Urgent recruitment] Light work/no experience available at tube container factory [13412]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-47w) job information page

    <土日祝休み&長期休暇ありの製造業務> ■高時給1,500~1,875円! ■年末年始、GW、お盆など長期休暇あり ■空調完備で快適♪ ■即日スタートOK ▼大手企業のグループ会社で安定勤務 歯磨き粉や化粧品等のラミネートチューブ製造工場でお仕事! ・ロール状の原材料を製造機械へセット ・製造機械のチェック ・ハンドリフトでの製品移動 未経験の方も活躍中! お仕事中も明るく挨拶や声を掛け合いながらお仕事◎ 10~20キロ程度の物を持つことあり。 +++ <勤務日程> *1週間単位での3交代制 8:00~17:00(休憩60分) 15:00~0:00(休憩60分) 23:00~8:00(休憩60分) ●20~30代の男性スタッフが多数活躍中! ●更衣室、鍵付きロッカー、食堂、冷蔵庫、自販機あり ●履歴書不要 ●事前の職場見学OK 無料駐車場完備(バイク,自転車,徒歩通勤不可)

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Manufacturing support staff
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen - 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 07

    [Urgent Recruitment] Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, day shift only/Forklift staff [17710]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-36w) job information page

    <うれしい土日祝休み!> フォークリフト経験を活かせるお仕事♪ 無料駐車場完備! <仕事内容> ☆倉庫内でのフォークリフトスタッフ ・原料の搬入、搬出(粉物、ドラム等) ・空のドラムの搬出 ・抜缶作業 ・ゴミの移動 ・プラドラムの荷台への運び出し ・パレット洗浄 など リーチリフト、カウンターリフトどちらも使用します。 <応募資格> フォークリフト免許をお持ちの方 いきなり長期は不安...という方は、まずはお試し短期OK!働いてみて、いいなと思ったら長期での継続で大丈夫です♪ ■無料駐車場完備(車、バイクOK)

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Forklift staff
    Hourly wage 1,200 yen - 1,200 yen
    Busan Area
    Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 04

    [Urgent Recruitment] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off / long-term stable forklift light work [17144]

    Go to Admic Co., Ltd. (ID: a1681080122-256w) job information page

    ★フォークリフトでの資材の運搬作業 土日祝休み&ミドル活躍中!! 高時給1300円!週払いもOK♪ いきなり長期は不安...という方は、まずはお試し短期OK!働いてみて、いいなと思ったら長期での継続で大丈夫です♪ご自身で実際の目で見て、働いて確かめていただけます◎ *ハンドリフト、リーチリフト、カウンターリフト使用。 *基本は一人作業。 モクモクお仕事するのが好きな方にオススメ! *5名前後で勤務するので、質問しやすい環境です。 *重量物を手で運ぶことはないので、身体の負担は少なめ。 *屋内作業・屋外作業どちらあり(冷蔵・冷凍庫内は無し) プラスチック製の包装資材(食品や衛生用品の外袋の原材料)や 自治体向けのゴミ袋などの製造工場でのお仕事です☆ +++ <応募資格> フォークリフト経験のある方 特にリーチリフトの資格や経験のある方歓迎♪ ●40~50代の男性スタッフ

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen - 1,300 yen
    Busan Area
    Manno Town, Nakatado District, Kagawa Prefecture
    2024-04-27 05: 49: 47

8 ofThere is a job offer for a forklift operator. (1-8)