Chita Peninsula Light cargo/delivery/motorcycle delivery jobs/part-time job recruitment

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Chita Peninsula Light cargo/delivery/motorcycle delivery job information

[Currently recruiting] On-site job openings and part-time jobs for light cargo, delivery, and motorcycle delivery in Chita Peninsula. Get a job in light cargo, delivery, and motorcycle delivery and improve your career! Job postings for light cargo, delivery, and motorcycle delivery in the Chita Peninsula, such as Nitori Tokoname store (furniture, interior, and miscellaneous goods specialty store, back staff full-time) (1). Look for blue collar work at Genbars.

Chita Peninsula light cargo/delivery/motorcycle delivery job search results

1 ofChita Peninsula There is a job offer for light cargo, delivery, and motorcycle delivery. (1-1)

    [Full-time part-time job information] You can earn a lot of money by working full-time!

    Go to the job information page for Nitori Tokoname store (furniture/interior/miscellaneous goods specialty store back staff full time) (197325)

    《勤務時間》 フルタイム 8:00~18:00 1日8h・週5日・週40h以下・社会保険完備 勤務時間帯応相談・シフト制 【給与詳細】 時給1,100円~1,200円 平日17時まで 時給1,100円 平日17時以降、日祝17時まで 時給1,150円 日祝17時以降 時給1,200円 ※受動喫煙対策については、応募後に企業へお問い合わせください。

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Hourly wage 1,100 yen to 1,200 yen
    Busan Area
    1-25-12 Rinkucho, Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 26

1 ofChita Peninsula There is a job offer for light cargo, delivery, and motorcycle delivery. (1-1)