Recruitment and part-time job recruitment in Iwata

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Job information in Iwata

[7 recruitments] On-site job openings and part-time jobs in Iwata. Get a job in the field and improve your career! Posting job openings in Iwata such as Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G26★2-S) and Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G25★86-S). Look for blue collar work at Genbars.

Job search results in Iwata

7 ofThere is a job offer in Iwata. (1-7)

    Assembling a motorcycle with an electric screwdriver/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G26★2-S)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture Station information: 8 minutes walk from Mikuriya Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 08:00-17:00 06:30-15:20 15:20-23:55 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆Online doctor consultation support ( 24-hour service) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays [Workplace atmosphere] A fresh workplace for working people in their 20s ☆ There is a break room where you can take a good rest! You can also switch on and off! There are lockers at the workplace! You need to be careful not to leave too many personal items behind★ [Interview location] Hamamatsu store 6nd floor, Uejima Daiichi Building, 19-11-2 Hikima, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen] and enter the required information. Please send. When contacting us, please tell the person in charge "1314GH0408G26★2-S". [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please use our [] domain.

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,480 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture (work location) 6F, Uejima Daiichi Building, 19-11-2 Hikima, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City (meeting location)
    2024-04-09 02: 42: 30

    Motorcycle assembly/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G25★86-S)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture Station information: 8 minutes walk from Mikuriya Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 08:00-17:00 06:30-15:20 15:20-23:55 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆Online doctor consultation support ( 24-hour service) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays [Workplace atmosphere] Many people in their 20s are working here! Even if you have little working experience, it's OK! Start gaining experience from here! There is a break room where you can take a good rest ! You can also turn it on and off! You can also aim for high income! [Interview location] Hamamatsu store 6nd floor, Uejima Daiichi Building, 19-11-2 Hikima, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen] Please send after entering the required information. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G25★86-S" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please contact us [cam-com.j

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,480 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture (work location) 6F, Uejima Daiichi Building, 19-11-2 Hikima, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City (meeting location)
    2024-04-09 02: 42: 30

    [Shingai, Iwata City] Weekly payment possible ◆ No experience required! Fully equipped dormitory ◆ Machining and quality inspection of car and motorcycle parts

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-222w)

    Weekly payment OK! This is a job where you can experience the joy of making things. You can rest assured that this is a major company with many dispatched staff members! There is a long vacation on Saturdays and Sundays! Men and women are active! There is a cafeteria and a shop inside the factory! As an auto parts manufacturing machine operator, you will use multiple machines to manufacture metal parts such as engines. We set the product on equipment, clean it with air blow, and check the quality. Since it is not line work, it is also recommended for those who are not good at line work! Even if you have no factory experience or a blank, we provide peace of mind and full support♪ You can start by learning carefully about tool handling and important things in the workplace at our skills center! Commuters are welcome! Station access and commuting transportation expenses fully paid! Fully equipped one-room dormitory! There are supermarkets and drugstores that are open 24 hours a day near the dormitory, making it very convenient! There are also plenty of other home centers, restaurants, electronics stores, and more! [Job No.] 6A172 [Qualifications] No experience required [Benefits] Complete social insurance, paid vacation system, commuting

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hourly wage 1,310 yen ~ Monthly income 257000 yen or more possible Breakdown: 159.47 hours + overtime 1638 yen x 10 hours + vacation 1638 yen x 7.84 hours + late night 328 yen x 60 hours
    Busan Area
    Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture
    2024-04-19 05: 41: 48

    ★Monthly income of 26 yen or more possible★Hourly wage of 1500 yen & daily payment OK♪Saturdays and Sundays closed◎

    Protex Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu Branch / ★Work location: Arahama, Shionitta, Iwata City ★ / Preparation and packaging of chemicals used in semiconductors, etc. ▼Closed on Saturdays and Sundays & until 17:1500! ▼High hourly wage of XNUMX yen & transportation expenses provided! Go to job information page where daily payment is OK (PH)

    【勤務時間】 08:00~17:00 ※実働7時間30分、休憩90分 【勤務日】 月?金の週5日(土日休み/企業カレンダー) 【勤務地】 静岡県磐田市塩新田字荒 ※マイカー、バイク・自転車通勤OK!(ガソリン代、交通費規定支給) 【株式会社プロテクス 浜松支店】 静岡県浜松市中区伝馬町312-32浜松シティビル3階 \履歴書・来社不要のWEB面接実施中!/ ~応募からの流れ~ 【STEP1】WEB応募後、web面接の案内メールが届きます! 【STEP2】お仕事のご紹介 【STEP3】就業開始 ※受動喫煙対策については、応募後に企業へお問い合わせください。

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Hourly salary 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Shionitta Azaara, Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture *Commuting by car, motorcycle, or bicycle is OK! (Gasoline and transportation expenses provided)
    2024-04-16 02: 42: 54

    ★ Recruitment of part-time workers ★ [Day care (day service)] No night shift Day service / short stay / pick-up driver at Iwata Station

    To the recruitment information page of SOYOKAZE Staff Company (ID: yu0314100322-4812w)

    We are looking for a "pick-up driver" at the nursing facility [Iwata Care Center Soyokaze] in Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture! It is a day service and short stay complex facility that opened in September 2020♪ We are developing services that focus on independence support nursing care. [Capacity] Day service: 9 people Short stay: 40 people [Average care level] 20-2.0 We are waiting for those who like talking with people! □□ Confidence in workability! □□ ■ 3.0 days a week ~ negotiable! ■Work only in the morning and evening! ■Inexperienced nursing home OK! ■ Double work OK! *If you work less than 2 hours a week, including those who work part-time ★The operating company is SOYOKAZE Co., Ltd., which has a proven track record in the nursing care industry. [Treatment] Full payment of transportation expenses, salary increase, uniform rental, paid vacation (granted as required by law), complete social insurance (may not be covered depending on the number of contracted hours) We are working on measures.A. Viruses to facilities due to visitation/entry restrictions

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • There are various benefits
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Pick-up driver
    Hourly wage 1,000 yen ~ transportation expenses provision
    Busan Area
    Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture
    2024-04-19 05: 48: 43

    <Guided STAFF> You can work at your own pace ☆ Joining bonus included!No experience required

    Go to the job information page for Japan Patrol Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu Office (4)

    <応募資格> ※18歳以上:警備業法による(例外事由2号) ※原動機付自転車免許(原付)以上の免許を取得している方 <待遇> ●社会保険完備 ●制服貸与 ●昇給あり ●交通費全額支給 ●各種手当あり ●日給保証あり ●入社祝金(規定あり) ●マイカー通勤OK ●資格取得支援制度あり ●社員登用あり ●法定研修あり:19,680円(20h) <シフト> 週3日以上働ける方大歓迎! ☆シフト制 ☆WワークOK ☆指定日勤務OK 休日の希望は融通がききます♪ 「こんな働き方がしたい」など、まずはご相談ください! <勤務地多数!> 記載された勤務地は一例です。 豊橋市・豊川市を中心と浜松市から菊川市まで、 周辺エリアにたくさんあるのでご希望を相談してください♪ <面接地> 日本パトロール株式会社 浜松営業所 住所:静岡県浜松市中央区中央1-15-1 グランドメゾン浜松2F アクセス: ・遠州鉄道「遠州病院駅」より徒歩3分 ・JR東海道本線「浜松駅」より徒歩9分 ※受動喫煙対策

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Appointment of employees
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Security staff
    Daily salary 9,000 yen ~ 11,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture *This is the work area. Please check the manuscript for the interview location.
    2024-04-01 02: 41: 57

    Loading/unloading of steel materials/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0422G24★69-N)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 静岡県・磐田市 駅情報:磐田駅から車5分 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 07:00~16:00 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※就業先による◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【休日】 土日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 髪型にこだわりのあるアナタは必見! 髪型自由な職場(詳しくは担当へ)職場にはロッカー完備! 私物の置きすぎには注意が必要ですね★ 高収入もバッチリ目指せますよ! 【面接地】 浜松店 浜松市中央区曳馬6-19-11 上島第一ビル 2F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0422G24★69-N」を係にお伝え下さい。 【応募後の流れ】 追ってご連絡致します。 ※メールのドメイン設定をご利用の方は、 お手数ですが弊社【】のドメインをご登録下さい。

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    packing staff
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture (work location) 6F, Uejima Daiichi Building, 19-11-2 Hikima, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City (meeting location)
    2024-04-20 02: 42: 46

7 ofThere is a job offer in Iwata. (1-7)