Noboribetsu City/In-store cleaning staff before opening/[1434] Hot Staff Tomakomai job information for on-site work | Part-time job

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Partnership Noboribetsu City/Cleaning staff before opening/[1434] Hot Staff Tomakomai job opening

Outline and features of the job offer

[1 hours a day★Working days negotiable] Store cleaning staff before opening

Noboribetsu City/Cleaning staff before opening/[1434] Main image of Hot Staff Tomakomai recruitment
  • Paid weekly
  • Interview transportation expenses paid
  • Full company insurance
Employment status
  • Part-time job

Noboribetsu City/Cleaning staff before opening/[1434] Job overview of Hot Staff Tomakomai

Job category
Cleaning staff
Hourly wage 1,050 yen ~
Noboribetsu City, Hokkaido *On-site interviews/web interviews are also available.
Nearest Station
30 minutes walk from Noboribetsu Station
Information last updated
2024-05-01 02: 43: 53
Scheduled end date
2024-05-31 (subject to change)
Job information provision
Jobs partner logo

Noboribetsu City/Cleaning staff before opening/[1434] Hot Staff Tomakomai"I saw Genvers"It's smooth when you say that.* Please refrain from making inquiries other than application and job questions.

Here is the point!

* For measures against second-hand smoke, please contact the company after applying.

Recruitment requirements

Job category
Cleaning staff
Job Description
◆◇Easy cleaning that even beginners can use right away◆◇
Cleaning staff of all ages, both men and women.
Mop the store aisles and entrance hall, etc.
Cleaning toilets, collecting trash cans and ashtrays,
Please wipe the glass etc.

~Recommended for these people~
・I want to work a little to supplement my pension.
・I want to work in a short time by taking advantage of a little time in the morning

◎ Recommended points
◇Men and women in their 20s to 70s are active
◇ Short-time simple cleaning staff
◇Transportation expenses provided (commuting allowance)/within regulations
◇3-day payment OK/weekly payment OK/within regulations

[Work location] 5 minutes by car from Noboribetsu Station on the JR Muroran Main Line (Oshamanbe/Muroran - Tomakomai)
・It is ten minutes by car from Horobetsu Station
[Working hours] 7: 00-9: 00
[Actual work] 2 hours
[Break] None
[Holidays] Shift system/2 to 5 days a week, negotiable
<Those who fall under any of the following>
・People over 60 years old
・Students who are not covered by employment insurance (so-called "daytime students")
・Those who engage in side work (limited to those with a living income of 500 million yen or more)
- Persons other than the main breadwinner (limited to those with household income of 500 million yen or more)

Hourly wage 1,050 yen ~
High school students not allowed
People who are 60 years of age or older / Students who are not covered by employment insurance (so-called "daytime students") / People who work as a side job (limited to those with a living income of 5 million yen or more) / People other than the main breadwinner (Limited to those whose household income is 5 million yen or more.) / Those who fall under any of the following
Noboribetsu City, Hokkaido *On-site interviews/web interviews are also available.
Nearest Station
30 minutes walk from Noboribetsu Station
Working hours
7:00 to 9:00 (according to the dispatch destination)
Hourly wage 1,050 yen ~
There are social insurance system
Complete with work-related accidents
Days Off
Measures against second-hand smoke
No measures
From the recruiter
[1 hours a day★Working days negotiable] Store cleaning staff before opening

◆◇Easy cleaning that even beginners can use right away◆◇

[Work location] 5 minutes by car from Noboribetsu Station on the JR Muroran Main Line (Oshamanbe/Muroran - Tomakomai)
・It is ten minutes by car from Horobetsu Station
[Working hours] 7: 00-9: 00
[Actual work] 2 hours
[Break] None
[Holidays] Shift system/2 to 5 days a week, negotiable
[Qualification / Experience]
<Those who fall under any of the following>
・People over 60 years old
・Students who are not covered by employment insurance (so-called "daytime students")
・Those who engage in side work (limited to those with a living income of 500 million yen or more)
- Persons other than the main breadwinner (limited to those with household income of 500 million yen or more)

《Tomakomai Office》
3-7-6 Asahi-cho, Tomakomai-shi, Hokkaido Grandeur Asahi-cho 1F
《Business trips and web interviews are also available》
If it is difficult for you to come to our office, please feel free to contact us.

[Complete with various insurance]
·Health insurance
·Welfare pension insurance
·Employment insurance
・Industrial accident insurance, etc.
☆ Statutory number of paid days will be granted after half a year from work ☆

* This job is a dispatched job.
*[Employee] Hot Staff Tomakomai Co., Ltd.
*Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview.
Noboribetsu City/Cleaning staff before opening/[1434] Hot Staff Tomakomai
Noboribetsu City, Hokkaido *On-site interviews/web interviews are also available.

Application information

Noboribetsu City/Cleaning staff before opening/[1434] Hot Staff Tomakomai
How to Apply
Please use the application form.
Please check when making an inquiry.
Related Links

Noboribetsu City/Cleaning staff before opening/[1434] Hot Staff Tomakomai"I saw Genvers"It's smooth when you say that.* Please refrain from making inquiries other than application and job questions.