Recruitment of part-time jobs in Yamagata prefecture and other factories

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Recruitment information of Yamagata Prefecture and other factories

【32件募集中】山形県その他 工場の現場求人・バイト募集。工場の仕事で手に職をつけて自分のキャリアを磨いていこう!株式会社綜合キャリアオプション(1314GH0429G2★45-S),株式会社綜合キャリアオプション(1314GH0429G3★6-S)など山形県その他 工場の求人を掲載。ブルーカラーワークはゲンバーズでお探しください。

Yamagata Prefecture Other Factory job search results

32 ofThere is a job offer for Yamagata Prefecture and other factories. (1-20)

    No heavy items/Medicine packaging/Daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G2★45-S)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・上山市 駅情報:茂吉記念館前駅から徒歩15分、北山形駅から車20分、羽前山辺駅から車25分 ※主要路線(JR奥羽本線/JR左沢線/JR仙山線) 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 (3交替)7:00~16:00、14:30~23:30、22:30~翌7:30 ※日勤研修あり(8:30~17:30) 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、制服無料貸与、通勤交通費別途支給 ※規定・支払い条件あり ◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【時給備考】 ※時間外・深夜手当含む 【休日】 土日祝日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 《20代・30代のスタッフさん活躍中》 クリーンルーム内で快適作業! お昼は仕出し弁当の注文OK☆ ロッカー・休憩室完備♪ 【面接地】 山形店 山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    packing staff
    Hourly wage 1,350 yen to 1,688 yen
    Busan Area
    Kaminoyama City, Yamagata Prefecture (Work location) 3-3-11 Teppomachi, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (Interview)
    2024-05-01 02: 45: 11

    Medicine check/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G3★6-S)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・上山市 駅情報:茂吉記念館前駅から徒歩15分、蔵王駅から車10分、かみのやま温泉駅から車10分 ※主要路線(JR奥羽本線) 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 (3交替)7:00~16:00、14:30~23:30、22:30~翌7:30 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、制服有(無料貸与)、通勤交通費別途支給 ※規定・支払い条件あり ◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応) 【時給備考】 ※深夜手当含む 【月収例】 27万円以上可(8時間×21日+深夜手当) 【休日】 土日祝日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 20代~30代の方が男女ともに活躍中の活気あふれる職場です! わきあいあいとした雰囲気で働きやすい環境です♪ 大型無料駐車場完備! 職場は大通りに面しているので通勤がしやすい! 近くにコンビニもあります♪ 【面接地】 山形店 山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen to 1,875 yen
    Busan Area
    Kaminoyama City, Yamagata Prefecture (Work location) 3-3-11 Teppomachi, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (Interview)
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 45

    Visual inspection of sound absorbing material sheets/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G3★11-S)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture Station information: 7 minutes by car from Kamimachi Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 08:00-16:45 20:00-04:45 08:00-16:45 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆Online doctor consultation support ( Available 24 hours) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Holidays [Work atmosphere] We have a space where you can relax during your breaks! It seems like you can use it whether you want to be together or be alone! There are lockers! Would you like to enjoy a private space? [Interview location] Fairy Tail 3F, 3-11-1 Teppocho, Yamagata City, Yamagata store [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please tell the person in charge "1314GH0429G3★11-S". [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please use our [] domain.

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture (place of work) 3-3-11 Teppocho, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (interview ground)
    2024-05-01 02: 43: 23

    Check the appearance of the product with a magnifying glass/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G2★75-S)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・西村山郡河北町 駅情報:東根駅から車15分 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 08:30~17:20 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※就業先による◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【休日】 土日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 女性が多めの華やか職場です♪ ウレシイ髪型・カラー自由の職場♪ 派手すぎなければ、 働くために髪型を変えなくてもOK! その日の気分でスタイリングできちゃう! 【面接地】 山形店 山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0429G2★75-S」を係にお伝え下さい。 【応募後の流れ】 追ってご連絡致します。 ※メールのドメイン設定をご利用の方は、 お手数ですが弊社【】のドメインをご登録下さい。

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,100 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Kahoku-cho, Nishimurayama-gun, Yamagata Prefecture (place of work) 3-3-11 Teppocho, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (interview ground)
    2024-05-01 02: 45: 41


    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G3★30-S)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・西村山郡河北町 駅情報:さくらんぼ東根駅から車13分 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 08:30~17:20 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※就業先による◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【休日】 土日祝日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 ウレシイ髪型・カラー自由の職場♪ 派手すぎなければ、 働くために髪型を変えなくてもOK! その日の気分でスタイリングできちゃう! 【面接地】 山形店 山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0429G3★30-S」を係にお伝え下さい。 【応募後の流れ】 追ってご連絡致します。 ※メールのドメイン設定をご利用の方は、 お手数ですが弊社【】のドメインをご登録下さい。 平日■9:00~2

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    packing staff
    Hourly wage 1,100 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Kahoku-cho, Nishimurayama-gun, Yamagata Prefecture (place of work) 3-3-11 Teppocho, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (interview ground)
    2024-05-01 02: 45: 41

    Operation of machines for making office supplies/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G3★27-S)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・東根市 駅情報:さくらんぼ東根駅から車6分 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 08:00~16:45 16:00~00:00 00:00~08:30 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給 ※就業先による◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【休日】 土日祝日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 休憩時間にゆっくりできるスペース完備! 「みんなでワイワイ」or「一人になりたい」どっちにも使えそう! 職場にはロッカー完備! 私物の置きすぎには注意が必要ですね★ 【面接地】 山形店 山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0429G3★27-S」を係にお伝え下さい。 【応募後の流れ】 追ってご連絡致します。 ※メールのドメイン設定をご利用の方は、 お手数ですが弊社【】のドメイ

    • Daily payment
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture (place of work) 3-3-11 Teppocho, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (interview ground)
    2024-05-01 02: 43: 42

    Bread making job - You can choose day shift/night shift/part time - No experience needed to start

    To the recruitment information page of Hot Staff Matsumoto Co., Ltd. (ID: ho04990502-86w)

    Work making bread dough and toppings ◆ Workplace atmosphere and characteristics ◆ This is a workplace where many women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are active. 《You can buy bread at a great price☆》 You can buy bread for around 1 yen per piece at corporate prices♪ ・You can buy bread for your child's snack, for your own lunch, and more! [Time requests can be taken into account♪] Since this is a job in a department that operates 50 hours a day, you can work during the hours of your choice.・Full-time for day shift only ・Part-time for day shift only ・Full-time for night shift only ・Part-time for night shift only ・Early shift ・Late shift etc. 《Holiday requests can be taken into consideration♪》 Holidays can also be considered if requested.・If you would like to have a fixed weekend off ・Sunday + one day on weekdays ・If you would like to have weekends and holidays off, please let us know ♪ [What is Hot Staff Matsumoto?] Hot Staff Matsumoto is a registered temporary staffing company. So, by registering, you will: ●Provide detailed information about the companies you work for ●New

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • There are various benefits
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Making bread dough and making toppings
    Hourly wage: 1,150 yen to 1,438 yen・Transportation expenses stipulated.・Hourly wage is 8 yen after 22 hours of actual work or late at night (5:1,438 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX a.m.)・Salary: Last day of every month...
    Busan Area
    Asahi Village, Higashichikuma District, Nagano Prefecture
    2024-04-25 05: 42: 34

    Does the label on the bread match? - Simple confirmation work - OK for inexperienced people

    To the recruitment information page of Hot Staff Matsumoto Co., Ltd. (ID: ho04990502-82w)

    The job is to check the labels of packaged bread ◆ Workplace atmosphere and characteristics ◆ 〇 Inexperienced people are actively working ☆ 〇 Full benefits ♪ 〇 Hourly wage starts at 1,150 yen! This is a workplace where many staff members are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. 《You can buy bread at a great price☆》 You can buy bread for around 1 yen per piece at corporate prices♪ ・You can buy bread for your child's snack, for your own lunch, and more! 《Secure your private time☆》 Since the mornings are early, you can avoid the congestion during commuting, and you can leave work early, so you can secure your private time◎ [What is Hot Staff Matsumoto] Hot Staff Matsumoto is a 《registration type》 dispatch. If you register as a company, we will: ●Provide detailed information about the company you work for ●Preferential introduction of new jobs●We will develop new jobs that match your wishes!Please feel free to register and apply!We are looking forward to meeting you all ♪ (`・ω・´)/n

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • There are various benefits
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Your job is to check the labels of prepackaged bread.
    Hourly wage 1,150 yen to 1,438 yen ・Transportation expenses are provided ・Hourly wage is 8 yen after 1,438 hours of actual work
    Busan Area
    Asahi Village, Higashichikuma District, Nagano Prefecture
    2024-04-25 05: 42: 33

    Manufacturing staff★A wide range of people in their 20s to 40s are active! 8% of seniors started with no experience!

    Go to the job information page for UT Connect Co., Ltd. Tendo Office/《BZXTA》_Yamagata Prefecture_9

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 176,000 yen to 231,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Kahoku Town, Nishimurayama District, Yamagata Prefecture
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 47

    Manufacturing staff★A wide range of people in their 20s to 40s are active! 8% of seniors started with no experience!

    Go to the job information page for UT Connect Co., Ltd. Tendo Office/《BZXTA》_Yamagata Prefecture_2

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 176,000 yen to 231,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 47

    Manufacturing staff★A wide range of people in their 20s to 40s are active! 8% of seniors started with no experience!

    Go to the job information page for UT Connect Co., Ltd. Tendo Office/《BZXTA》_Yamagata Prefecture_7

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 176,000 yen to 231,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Oe Town, Nishimurayama District, Yamagata Prefecture
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 47

    Checking disc-shaped parts/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G2★82-N)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・東根市 駅情報:さくらんぼ東根駅から車5分、村山駅から車15分、楯山駅から車30分 ※主要路線(JR奥羽本線/JR仙山線) 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 (3交替)8:00~16:10、16:00~翌0:10、0:00~8:10 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、制服無料貸与、通勤交通費別途支給 ※規定・支払条件あり ◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【時給備考】 ※深夜手当を含む 【月収例】 28万3000円以上可(7時間20分×24日+深夜手当) 【休日】 シフト制 【職場の雰囲気】 《男女スタッフさんカツヤク中》空調完備なので年間を通してカイテキにお仕事に取り組めます! 24時間営業の食堂があるので夜勤時も利用できます! 無料駐車場があるのでクルマ通勤OK! ロッカー/休憩室完備! 【面接地】 山形店山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen to 1,875 yen
    Busan Area
    Higashine City, Yamagata Prefecture (place of work) 3-3-11 Teppocho, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (interview ground)
    2024-05-01 02: 45: 10

    Brake pad processing/removal/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G2★44-N)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・寒河江市 駅情報:羽前高松駅から徒歩17分 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 08:30~17:30 20:30~05:30 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※就業先による◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【休日】 土日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 休憩時間にゆっくりできるスペース完備! 「みんなでワイワイ」or「一人になりたい」どっちにも使えそう! 持ち物が多いあなたにもぴったり☆ ロッカー付き職場♪ 【面接地】 山形店山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0429G2★44-N」を係にお伝え下さい。 【応募後の流れ】 追ってご連絡致します。 ※メールのドメイン設定をご利用の方は、 お手数ですが弊社【】のドメインをご

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture (place of work) 3-3-11 Teppocho, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (interview ground)
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 30

    Brake pad manufacturing/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G2★54-N)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・寒河江市 駅情報:羽前高松駅から車4分 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 08:30~17:30 20:30~05:30 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※就業先による◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【休日】 土日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 残業はちょっと多め! 当社イチオシの寮付きのお仕事! 要チェック! 未経験から始めた方もイッパイ! まずはチャレンジしてみませんか? 【面接地】 山形店山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0429G2★54-N」を係にお伝え下さい。 【応募後の流れ】 追ってご連絡致します。 ※メールのドメイン設定をご利用の方は、 お手数ですが弊社【】のドメインをご登録下さい。 平日■9:00~20:

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,250 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture (place of work) 3-3-11 Teppocho, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (interview ground)
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 30

    Manufacturing staff★A wide range of people in their 20s to 40s are active! 8% of seniors started with no experience!

    Go to the job information page for UT Connect Co., Ltd. Tendo Office/《BZXTA》_Yamagata Prefecture_3

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 176,000 yen to 231,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Murayama City, Yamagata Prefecture
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 47

    Manufacturing staff★A wide range of people in their 20s to 40s are active! 8% of seniors started with no experience!

    Go to the job information page for UT Connect Co., Ltd. Tendo Office/《BZXTA》_Yamagata Prefecture_13

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 176,000 yen to 231,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Nanyo City, Yamagata Prefecture
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 47

    Manufacturing staff★A wide range of people in their 20s to 40s are active! 8% of seniors started with no experience!

    Go to the job information page for UT Connect Co., Ltd. Tendo Office/《BZXTA》_Yamagata Prefecture_6

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 176,000 yen to 231,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Nakayama Town, Higashimurayama District, Yamagata Prefecture
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 47


    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G2★79-N)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・天童市 駅情報:高擶駅から車9分 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 17:20~02:10 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※就業先による◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【休日】 土日祝日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 ミドル世代もカツヤク中! 20代・30代の方ももちろんOK! 一息つける休憩スペースもあります! ロッカーあり! プライベート空間を楽しみませんか? 残業はほぼなし! 【面接地】 山形店山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0429G2★79-N」を係にお伝え下さい。 【応募後の流れ】 追ってご連絡致します。 ※メールのドメイン設定をご利用の方は、 お手数ですが弊社【】のドメインをご登録下さい。 平

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    packing staff
    Hourly wage 1,150 yen to 1,438 yen
    Busan Area
    Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture (Work location) 3-3-11 Teppomachi, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (Interview)
    2024-05-01 02: 45: 10

    Manufacturing staff★A wide range of people in their 20s to 40s are active! 8% of seniors started with no experience!

    Go to the job information page for UT Connect Co., Ltd. Tendo Office/《BZXTA》_Yamagata Prefecture_4

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 176,000 yen to 231,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture
    2024-05-01 02: 44: 47

    Measure the product using a ruler/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0429G2★90-N)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 山形県・天童市 駅情報:高擶駅から車4分 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 08:00~16:40 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※就業先による◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【休日】 土日祝日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 休憩時間にゆっくりできるスペース完備! 「みんなでワイワイ」or「一人になりたい」どっちにも使えそう! ロッカーあり! プライベート空間を楽しみませんか? 【面接地】 山形店山形市鉄砲町3-3-11 フェアリーテール1F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0429G2★90-N」を係にお伝え下さい。 【応募後の流れ】 追ってご連絡致します。 ※メールのドメイン設定をご利用の方は、 お手数ですが弊社【】のドメインをご登録下さい。 平日■9:

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture (Work location) 3-3-11 Teppomachi, Yamagata City Fairy Tail 1F (Interview)
    2024-05-01 02: 43: 41

32 ofThere is a job offer for Yamagata Prefecture and other factories. (1-20)