Fukui factory jobs and part-time jobs

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Fukui factory job vacancies

【49件募集中】福井県 工場の現場求人・バイト募集。現場の仕事で手に職をつけて自分のキャリアを磨いていこう!株式会社三国01,株式会社三国03など福井県 工場の求人を掲載。ブルーカラーワークはゲンバーズでお探しください。

Fukui factory job search results

49 ofThere is a job offer at the Fukui factory. (1-20)

    [Full-time employee] 131 days annual leave / High monthly salary starting from 25 yen even with no experience / No experience required ◎ Qualification support available

    Go to the job information page of Mikuni 01 Co., Ltd.

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ We are developing a wide variety of businesses such as pipe construction and sand control business, mainly in the transportation industry! We have earned the trust of our customers with our community-based and sincere services, and even now, more than 60 years after our establishment, we continue to operate stably. [Day shift] 8:00-17:00 [Night shift] 20:00-5:00 the next day *Shift work Day shift 3 days → 1 day off → Night shift 3 days → 2 days off (*Repeat) *Overtime is average 30 days a month It's about an hour! *Shifts are fixed for one year, but if you have plans, you can apply for time off in advance. / Employee's voice "Reasons why I can continue working with peace of mind" \ ▼Previous job: Hotel customer service  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ I want to work with a balance between on and off work... I recently got married, so I want a stable salary... So I changed jobs. I'm glad I have a lot of time off and can spend more time with my family! I want to work stably in Fukui for a long time, so I am also aiming to improve my skills by acquiring qualifications. ▼Previous job: Drugstore manager  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Previous job was also transferred

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 250,000 yen ~
    Busan Area
    21-1 Kurome, Mikuni-cho, Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture, UACJ Corporation, Fukui Factory
    2024-04-10 02: 42: 36

    [Full-time employee] 131 days annual leave / High monthly salary starting from 25 yen even with no experience / No experience required ◎ Qualification support available

    Go to the job information page of Mikuni 03 Co., Ltd.

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ We are developing a wide variety of businesses such as pipe construction and sand control business, mainly in the transportation industry! We have earned the trust of our customers with our community-based and sincere services, and even now, more than 60 years after our establishment, we continue to operate stably. [Day shift] 8:00-17:00 [Night shift] 20:00-5:00 the next day *Shift work Day shift 3 days → 1 day off → Night shift 3 days → 2 days off (*Repeat) *Overtime is average 30 days a month It's about an hour! *Shifts are fixed for one year, but if you have plans, you can apply for time off in advance. / Employee's voice "Reasons why I can continue working with peace of mind" \ ▼Previous job: Hotel customer service  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ I want to work with a balance between on and off work... I recently got married, so I want a stable salary... So I changed jobs. I'm glad I have a lot of time off and can spend more time with my family! I want to work stably in Fukui for a long time, so I am also aiming to improve my skills by acquiring qualifications. ▼Previous job: Drugstore manager  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Previous job was also transferred

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 250,000 yen ~
    Busan Area
    21-1 Kurome, Mikuni-cho, Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture, UACJ Corporation, Fukui Factory
    2024-04-10 02: 42: 36

    [Full-time employee] 131 days annual leave / High monthly salary starting from 25 yen even with no experience / No experience required ◎ Qualification support available

    Go to the job information page of Mikuni 02 Co., Ltd.

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ We are developing a wide variety of businesses such as pipe construction and sand control business, mainly in the transportation industry! We have earned the trust of our customers with our community-based and sincere services, and even now, more than 60 years after our establishment, we continue to operate stably. [Day shift] 8:00-17:00 [Night shift] 20:00-5:00 the next day *Shift work Day shift 3 days → 1 day off → Night shift 3 days → 2 days off (*Repeat) *Overtime is average 30 days a month It's about an hour! *Shifts are fixed for one year, but if you have plans, you can apply for time off in advance. / Employee's voice "Reasons why I can continue working with peace of mind" \ ▼Previous job: Hotel customer service  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ I want to work with a balance between on and off work... I recently got married, so I want a stable salary... So I changed jobs. I'm glad I have a lot of time off and can spend more time with my family! I want to work stably in Fukui for a long time, so I am also aiming to improve my skills by acquiring qualifications. ▼Previous job: Drugstore manager  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Previous job was also transferred

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 250,000 yen ~
    Busan Area
    21-1 Kurome, Mikuni-cho, Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture, UACJ Corporation, Fukui Factory
    2024-04-10 02: 42: 36

    Finish polishing and dimension checking of aluminum wheels/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G19★69-S)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 福井県・福井市 駅情報:三国神社駅から車15分、鷲塚針原駅から車25分、森田駅から車25分 ※主要路線(えちぜん鉄道三国芦原線/JR北陸本線) 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 (3交替)7:50~17:00、19:50~翌5:00、22:50~翌8:00 ※部署による 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※規定・支払条件あり ◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応)◆試用期間あり(14日間) 【時給備考】 ※時間外・深夜手当含む 【休日】 土日祝日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 《男女ともに活躍中》 食堂兼休憩室あり! ワンコインほどでお弁当の注文ができます! 自販機(ジュース・カップラーメン)、 無料のお茶サーバーなどがあります☆ 制服通勤OK! 【面接地】 福井店 福井市大東2-1-20 レコルタ・フォー101 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,500 yen to 1,875 yen
    Busan Area
    Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture (place of work) 2-1-20 Daito, Fukui City Recolta Four 101 (interview site)
    2024-04-09 02: 42: 46

    [Fukui City] Weekly payment possible ◆ Dormitory fee free! No experience required◆Manufacturing and transportation of secondary battery materials

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-232w)

    【週払いOK】寮費無料(規定有)のワンルーム寮完備!今、注目の有名メーカーで働くチャンス!高時給の1400円スタート!昇給もあるのでしっかり稼げます♪電池材料の粉を計量して混合器に投入し、ふるいにかけられた粉を梱包・出荷に向けて運搬する作業になります。シフトは3交替なので残業も少なくプライベートも充実♪通勤交通費全額支給!マイカー通勤大歓迎!工場には無料駐車場があります♪また、車がない方も寮から個別に送迎があるので通勤も安心♪20代~50代と幅広い年代の方が活躍中! 【お仕事No.】8A1457 【資格】経験不問 【待遇】社会保険完備、有給休暇制度有、通勤交通費支給、ワンルーム寮完備、赴任旅費支給、車通勤可、制服貸与 ※勤務先による 【休日】5勤2休・5勤1休※シフト制 WEB/来場どちらでもOK! 新規登録で電子マネー1000円分支給!!※規定有

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hourly wage: 1,400 yen ~ Monthly income: 261000 yen or more Breakdown: 159.18 hours + overtime 1750 yen x 10 hours + late night 350 yen x 60 hours
    Busan Area
    Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture
    2024-04-19 05: 41: 50

    [Sakai City] Weekly payment possible ◆ No experience required! Fully equipped dormitory ◆Thermal paper manufacturing machine operator

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-73w)

    [Weekly payment OK] High wage starting at 1400 yen per hour with raises! There are 3 shifts, so there is little overtime and you have plenty of privacy. The temperature and humidity are constant in the clean room, so you can work comfortably! We have our office and are always available for consultation, so even those who are unsure about manufacturing for the first time can start with peace of mind ♪ All commuting expenses will be paid! Both those who commute by car from home and those who wish to live in a dormitory are welcome♪ [Job No.] 8A053 [Qualifications] No experience required [Benefits] Fully equipped with social insurance, paid leave system available, commuting transportation expenses provided, fully equipped dormitory, assigned travel expenses provided, Commuting by car possible, uniform provided *Depends on workplace [Holidays] 4 shifts and 1 day off *You can either visit the website or visit according to the workplace calendar! New registration will receive 1000 yen worth of electronic money! ! *Regulations apply

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen ~ Monthly income 231000 yen or more Breakdown: 157.5 hours + late night 350 yen x 32.5 hours
    Busan Area
    Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture
    2024-04-19 05: 41: 17

    [Echizen City] Recruiting full-time employees ◆Free dormitory fees! No experience required◆Welding, inspection, and polishing of glass products

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-437w)

    ★Recruitment for full-time employees★This is a job where you will work as a full-time employee of our company at a client company (indefinite-term temporary employment). Free dormitory fees (regulations apply)! My job involves welding, polishing, and inspecting glass products. Popular day shift, weekends and holidays off! There is little overtime, so it is recommended for those who value their privacy ♪ Commuting transportation expenses will be fully paid! Commuting by car is welcome! [Job No.] NS0552 [Qualifications] No experience required [Benefits] Complete social insurance, paid leave system available, commuting transportation expenses provided, dormitory available, travel expenses paid, commuting by car possible, uniform loan [Holidays] Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays *Workplace Either online or visiting the venue using the calendar is OK! New registration will receive 1000 yen worth of electronic money! ! *Regulations apply

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Monthly salary 240,000 yen - Monthly salary 259000 yen or more possible Breakdown: Monthly salary 240000 yen + overtime 1930 yen x 10 hours
    Busan Area
    Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture
    2024-04-19 05: 42: 37

    [Sabae City] Weekly payment possible ◆Free dormitory fee! No experience required ◆ Processing and inspection of electronic parts

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-24w)

    【週払いOK】寮費無料(規定有)のワンルーム寮完備!未経験者歓迎!稼げる交替勤務★安定収入を求める方に大人気のお仕事です!残業はありますが、その分お給料に返ってきます♪ご自宅からのマイカー通勤・入寮希望どちらも大歓迎♪男女ともに製造未経験からスタートした方が多数在籍!当社の詰所もあり、いつでも相談ができる環境が整っているので、製造は初めてで不安という方でも安心して始めることができます!20代~50代と幅広い年代の方が活躍中です! 【お仕事No.】8A598 【資格】経験不問 【待遇】社会保険完備、有給休暇制度有、通勤交通費支給、ワンルーム寮完備、赴任旅費支給、車通勤可、制服貸与 ※勤務先による 【休日】4勤2休または土日休み※勤務シフトによる WEB/来場どちらでもOK! 新規登録で電子マネー1000円分支給!!※規定有 【入寮サポートキャンペーン】 5月31日までに採用され6月末までの入寮・入社で30000円支給!!※規定有

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Machine operator
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen ~ Monthly income 357000 yen or more possible Breakdown: 153 hours + overtime 1750 yen x 34 hours + vacation 1890 yen x 33 hours + late night 350 yen x 60 hours
    Busan Area
    Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture
    2024-04-19 05: 41: 07

    [Echizen City] Weekly payment possible ◆ Dormitory fee free! No experience required ◆ Manufacture of metals essential for high-tech products

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-49w)

    [Weekly payment OK] Dormitory fee free (regulations apply)! There is not much overtime, so it is recommended for those who do not want to work overtime ♪ It is a shift system that includes Saturdays and Sundays, so there are also holidays on weekdays ☆ Commuting transportation expenses will be paid separately for those who commute from home! Commuting by car is also OK! [Job No.] 8A1436 [Qualifications] No experience required [Benefits] Fully equipped with social insurance, paid vacation system, commuting transportation expenses provided, one-room dormitory provided, travel expenses provided, commuting by car possible, uniform loan *Depends on workplace [Holidays] Shift system, including 4 working days and 1 day off *You can either use the website or visit us according to the workplace calendar! New registration will receive 1000 yen worth of electronic money! ! *Regulations apply

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    時給 1,400円~ 月収286000円以上可 ※入社1ヶ月間は時給1350円 内訳:161H+残業1750円×20H+休出1750円×7H+深夜350円×40H
    Busan Area
    Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture
    2024-04-19 05: 41: 13

    [Awara City] Weekly payment possible ◆ Dormitory fee free! No experience required ◆ Manufacture of electronic parts

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-139w)

    【週払いOK】寮費無料(規定有)のワンルーム寮完備!未経験者歓迎!稼げる交替勤務★安定収入を求める方に大人気のお仕事です!残業はありますが、その分お給料に返ってきます♪通勤・入寮どちらも大歓迎!通勤交通費全額支給!リニューアルした社員食堂は、おしゃれで美味しいと評判です♪配属前に当社施設で専門の研修があるので安心してお仕事を始められます!研修中の昼食はお弁当を無料で支給!20代~50代と幅広い年代の方が活躍中♪カップルOK! 【お仕事No.】8A041 【資格】経験不問 【待遇】社会保険完備、有給休暇制度有、通勤交通費支給、ワンルーム寮完備、赴任旅費支給、車通勤可、制服貸与 ※勤務先による 【休日】4勤2休※勤務シフトによる WEB/来場どちらでもOK! 新規登録で電子マネー1000円分支給!!※規定有 【入寮サポートキャンペーン】 5月31日までに採用され6月末までの入寮・入社で30000円支給!!※規定有

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Machine operator
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen ~ Monthly income 357000 yen or more possible Breakdown: 153 hours + overtime 1750 yen x 34 hours + vacation 1890 yen x 33 hours + late night 350 yen x 62.5 hours
    Busan Area
    Awara City, Fukui Prefecture
    2024-04-19 05: 41: 31

    Stainless steel and iron welding/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G19★61-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Fukui Prefecture/Fukui City Station information: 5 minutes by car from Taisumi no Sato Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 08:15-17:00 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆ Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Weekends, Holidays, Holidays [Workplace Atmosphere] It's a workplace where you can choose your hairstyle! When you have free time before going to work, you can enjoy it by saying, ``I'm in the mood for today's hairstyle.'' Since I'm in my 40s, I have a safe and stable job with many veterans. This is my workplace ☆ [Interview location] Fukui store Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G19★61-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please register our domain [cam-com.jp]. *Reception

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,200 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture (place of work) 2-1-20 Daito, Fukui City Recolta Four 101 (interview site)
    2024-04-06 02: 42: 43

    Packing products in bags/cardboards/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G19★65-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Fukui Prefecture/Fukui City Station information: 6 minutes by car from Morita Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 08:30-17:30 08:30-18:10 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆ Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays [Workplace Atmosphere] It's a workplace where women can thrive! It's a workplace where you can choose your hairstyle as you like! When you have free time before going to work, you can look forward to ``Today's mood is this hairstyle!'' A job with plenty of overtime! [Interview location] Fukui store Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G19★65-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please register our domain [cam-com.jp].

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,180 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture (place of work) 2-1-20 Daito, Fukui City Recolta Four 101 (interview site)
    2024-04-06 02: 43: 09

    [Manufacturing staff] Inexperienced welcome!Can be hired on the same day as soon as possible♪

    UT Connect Co., Ltd. Koriyama Office/《AGWD1C》_GWD1 job information page

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 200,000 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture The nearest station to my work location is Takefu Station.Sabae Station and Hokufu Station in this manuscript are recruiting areas.Please check access details after applying.
    2024-04-05 02: 42: 29

    Product packaging/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G19★54-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Fukui Prefecture/Fukui City Station information: Nearest station: Mikuni Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 06:30-14:30 17:30-09:00 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆ Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Holidays [Workplace atmosphere] Recommended for those who like “Kojinmari”!! It is a small workplace ♪ ≪Workplace where many people in their 20s are active≫ Equipped with a break room It looks like there will be plenty of lunch and breaks♪ [Interview location] Fukui store Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G19★54-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please register our domain [cam-com.jp]. *For passive smoking countermeasures

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    packing staff
    Hourly wage 1,200 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture (place of work) 2-1-20 Daito, Fukui City Recolta Four 101 (interview site)
    2024-04-06 02: 42: 48

    Seal processing on sponge-like sheet/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G19★63-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Fukui Prefecture/Fukui City Station information: Nearest station: Mikuni Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 08:00-16:55 [Benefits] Various insurances and allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆ Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Weekends, Holidays, Holidays [Workplace Atmosphere] I'm happy to say that a little hair color is OK as long as it's not too flashy ☆ Overtime is a bit much! I'm happy to have weekends and holidays off! It's important to "work hard and get plenty of rest"! [Interview location] Fukui Store Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G19★63-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please register our domain [cam-com.jp]. ※Passive smoking

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,180 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture (place of work) 2-1-20 Daito, Fukui City Recolta Four 101 (interview site)
    2024-04-06 02: 42: 43

    Set the product and press the button/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G19★45-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture Station information: 15 minutes by car from Takefu Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 20:00-05:00 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆ Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Weekends, Holidays, Holidays [Workplace Atmosphere] Recommended for those who like "Kojinmari"!! It's a small workplace♪ A wide range of age groups are active here, from young people to middle-class people in their 40s and above! Equipped with a break room It looks like there will be plenty of lunch and breaks♪ [Interview location] Fukui store Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G19★45-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please register our domain [cam-com.jp].

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,180 yen to 1,475 yen
    Busan Area
    Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture (Work location) 2-1-20 Daito, Fukui City Recorta for 101 (Interview)
    2024-04-06 02: 42: 43

    [Short-term part-time job information] You can earn money with simple work in a short period of less than 2 months!

    Nitori Tsuruga store (short-term furniture/interior/miscellaneous goods specialty store back staff short-time) (212868) job information page

    《勤務時間》 短期短時間 8:30~21:00 1日4h~・週3~4日・週20h未満・2ヶ月未満 勤務時間帯応相談・シフト制 【給与詳細】 時給1,300円 2ヶ月未満の短期雇用 ※受動喫煙対策については、応募後に企業へお問い合わせください。

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    warehouse staff
    Hourly salary 1,300 yen
    Busan Area
    2-18-10 Chuocho, Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture
    2024-04-18 02: 42: 54

    Manufacture of plastic lenses/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G19★80-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture Station information: 9 minutes by car from Kitasabae Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 09:30-18:30 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆ Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Weekends, Holidays, Holidays [Workplace Atmosphere] Don't be too bright or eccentric, but you can basically choose your hairstyle as you like (please contact the person in charge for details) ☆ There's a break room, so you'll have plenty of time for lunch and breaks ♪ A job with plenty of overtime! [Interview location] Fukui store, Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G19★80-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please register our domain [cam-com.jp]. *For passive smoking countermeasures

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,180 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture (work location) Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City (interview location)
    2024-04-06 02: 42: 32

    Hold the board under light to check for scratches and dust/Daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G19★84-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture Station information: 5 minutes by car from Maruoka Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 08:20-17:05 09:00-17:05 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆ Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Holidays [Workplace atmosphere] It's a gorgeous workplace with a lot of women♪ It's a workplace where you can choose your hairstyle as you like! When you have free time before going to work, you can enjoy it by saying, ``I'm in the mood for today's hairstyle.'' ♪ [Interview location] Fukui store, Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G19★84-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please register our domain [cam-com.jp]. *About measures against passive smoking

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,120 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture (Work location) 2-1-20 Daito, Fukui City Recolta for 101 (Interview)
    2024-04-06 02: 42: 32

    Check product for scratches and dirt/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G20★13-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Fukui Prefecture/Fukui City Station information: 7 minutes by car from Washizuka Harihara Station Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 07:00-16:00 15:00-00:00 08:20-17:20 [Benefits] Various insurance/allowances, paid wages, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Depends on workplace ◆Online doctor consultation support ( 24-hour service) ◆ Trial period available (14 days) [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays [Workplace atmosphere] There is a break room where you can take a good rest! You can also turn it on and off! There are lockers at the workplace! Be careful not to leave too many personal items behind. Ne★ [Interview location] Fukui store, Recolta Four 2, 1-20-101 Daito, Fukui City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G20★13-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *If you are using email domain settings, please register our domain [cam-com.jp]. *Measures against passive smoking

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Apprentice welcome
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,150 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture (place of work) 2-1-20 Daito, Fukui City Recolta Four 101 (interview site)
    2024-04-06 02: 42: 32

49 ofThere is a job offer at the Fukui factory. (1-20)