Koriyama daily pay job / part-time job recruitment

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Koriyama daily pay job offer information

【10件募集中】郡山 日払いの現場求人・バイト募集。現場の仕事で手に職をつけて自分のキャリアを磨いていこう!株式会社ネクスト警備(120),パーソルファクトリーパートナーズ株式会社【F】02/A34-001178(2交替)など郡山 日払いの求人を掲載。ブルーカラーワークはゲンバーズでお探しください。

Koriyama day payment job search results

10 ofKoriyama There is a daily job offer. (1-10)

    Jobs in Tokyo ☆ Web interview & acceptance decision on the spot!You can enter the dormitory with furniture and home appliances immediately.

    To the recruitment information page of Next Security Co., Ltd. (120)

    <応募資格> 18歳以上(警備業法に基づく) ※高校生不可 警備経験・年齢・前職は一切問いません! 「やってみたい!」「稼ぎたい」気持ちがあればOK♪ <給与> 日勤:8,300円~+通勤手当 夜勤:9,860円~+通勤手当 <シフト> 週2~3日からOK ※1週間毎の自己申告制シフト ※上京交通費を支給された方は、半年以上の勤務で週6日働くことが条件 <待遇> ◇上京交通費全額支給(規定あり) ◇通勤手当支給(規定あり) ◇面接交通費支給(規定あり) ◇別途残業代支給 ◇日払い・週払いOK ◇法定研修20h(手当3万円/昼食付き) ◇直行直帰 ◇バイク・携帯貸出あり ◇雇用労災 ◇髪型・髪色自由、髭・ピアスOK ◇制服装備品レンタル制度(レンタル料3万円有) ◇退職時礼金あり(3万円/規定あり) ◇資格習得制度あり ◇身分証明書取得サポート <1R個室寮完備> ◇家電家具付き (備品詳細)布団セット、ラグ、テレビ(32型)、冷蔵庫、洗濯機(4.5L)、電子レンジ、掃除機、ケトル、カラー

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Any age
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Security staff
    Daily salary from 8,300 yen
    Busan Area
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture [Work location will be in the Kanto area] *This is an example of the recruitment area. Web interview in progress
    2024-04-06 02: 41: 59

    Sukagawa City/2-shift work that makes you money◎You can work in a balanced manner with Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off♪

    Go to the job information page for Persol Factory Partners Co., Ltd. [F] 02/A34-001178 (2nd shift)

    ●勤務時間● 【2交替】 1)8:30~17:30 休憩60分 [実働]8時間00分 2)20:30~翌5:30 休憩60分 [実働]8時間00分 ●休日休暇● 土日祝(工場カレンダー) ★毎月第3土曜は出勤 ★年末年始・GW・夏季休暇あり ●勤務地● 福島県須賀川市虹の台 ・JR「須賀川駅」から車20分 ★自転車、バイク、マイカー通勤OK ●期間● 即日~長期 ●雇用形態● 派遣社員 ※当社の社員登用有(2020~2022年度の3年間で全国で277名がステップUPしています!) ●待遇・福利厚生● ・各種社会保険完備 (厚生年金/健康保険/雇用保険/労災保険) ・交通費全額支給 ・指定作業服一式貸与 ・有給休暇制度 ・産休/育休制度(規定有) ・準社員/正社員登用制度有 ・雇入/定期健康診断 ・他、福利厚生サービス利用など ★直近3年の産休・育休取得実績:194名(2023年3月時点) ★日払い・週払いOK(当社規定有)  急な出費や支払いでお給料日まで待てないという時も安心!  働いた分の給料を

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Production staff
    Hourly wage 1,350 yen to 1,688 yen
    Busan Area
    Suburbs of Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture [Work location] - 20 minutes by car from JR "Sukagawa Station" ★Commuting by bicycle, motorcycle, or private car is OK
    2024-04-20 02: 43: 04

    [No experience required! ] Day shifts and Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays off make it well-balanced ◎ Get a stable income!

    Go to the job information page for Persol Factory Partners Co., Ltd. [F] 02/A34-001180 (day shift)

    ●勤務時間● 8:30~17:30 休憩60分 [実働]8時間00分 ●休日休暇● 土日祝(工場カレンダー) ★毎月第3土曜は出勤 ★年末年始・GW・夏季休暇あり ●勤務地● 福島県須賀川市虹の台 ・JR「須賀川駅」から車20分 ★自転車、バイク、マイカー通勤OK ●期間● 即日~長期 ●雇用形態● 派遣社員 ※当社の社員登用有(2020~2022年度の3年間で全国で277名がステップUPしています!) ●待遇・福利厚生● ・各種社会保険完備 (厚生年金/健康保険/雇用保険/労災保険) ・交通費全額支給 ・指定作業服一式貸与 ・有給休暇制度 ・産休/育休制度(規定有) ・準社員/正社員登用制度有 ・雇入/定期健康診断 ・他、福利厚生サービス利用など ★直近3年の産休・育休取得実績:194名(2023年3月時点) ★日払い・週払いOK(当社規定有)  急な出費や支払いでお給料日まで待てないという時も安心!  働いた分の給料を給料日を待たずに受け取れる福利厚生サービスです。 ●お仕

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Production staff
    Hourly salary 1,100 yen
    Busan Area
    Suburbs of Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture [Work location] - 20 minutes by car from JR "Sukagawa Station" ★Commuting by bicycle, motorcycle, or private car is OK
    2024-04-20 02: 43: 04

    We recommend starting in April!Inexperienced people are also welcome ★ Tohoku entering dormitory / high daily wage / daily payment possible

    Biceps Co., Ltd. Shiogama Office (Fukushima area 1) dormitory job information page

    Even if you have no experience or qualifications, you can start with a high daily salary ♪ It's easy to work with a fully equipped dormitory ★ You can rest your body with Sundays, holidays, and other holidays (varies depending on the site) ◎ If you are interested, please apply! We are looking forward to your application! ★The following people are also welcome★ ・People who have lost work due to the effects of the coronavirus and want to earn a lot of money for a limited time ・People who want to acquire skills in the field and become independent in the future ・Able to greet well ★Working period★ ・Same-day work available!・Long-term work *If you wish to commute, please apply only if you can come at the meeting time. Due to great popularity, we are back again... \ April joining limited campaign / ▼ Special benefits for new employees! ① Joining bonus of 4 yen ② Work tool set (worth 2 yen) ③ Harness (worth 1 yen) You will receive one item from the above joining benefits! In addition... - Those who join the company in April will receive 5 yen as a new life support benefit in addition to the above benefits!・You can move into the dormitory immediately!

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Meal assistance
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    construction staff
    Daily salary 10,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture This station is not the nearest station.The interview location will be 3-6-25 Teizandori, Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, and the work location will be Miyagi Prefecture.
    2024-04-25 02: 41: 35

    We recommend starting in April!Inexperienced people are also welcome ★ Tohoku entering dormitory / high daily wage / daily payment possible

    To the recruitment information page of Biceps Co., Ltd. Shiogama Sales Office (Fukushima Area 1)

    Even if you have no experience or qualifications, you can start with a high daily salary ♪ It's easy to work with a fully equipped dormitory ★ You can rest your body with Sundays, holidays, and other holidays (varies depending on the site) ◎ If you are interested, please apply! We are looking forward to your application! ★The following people are also welcome★ ・People who have lost work due to the effects of the coronavirus and want to earn a lot of money for a limited time ・People who want to acquire skills in the field and become independent in the future ・Able to greet well ★Working period★ ・Same-day work available!・Long-term work *If you wish to commute, please apply only if you can come at the meeting time. Due to great popularity, we are back again... \ April joining limited campaign / ▼ Special benefits for new employees! ① Joining bonus of 4 yen ② Work tool set (worth 2 yen) ③ Harness (worth 1 yen) You will receive one item from the above joining benefits! In addition... - Those who join the company in April will receive 5 yen as a new life support benefit in addition to the above benefits!・You can move into the dormitory immediately!

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Meal assistance
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Architectural and landscape staff
    Daily salary 10,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture This station is not the nearest station.The interview location will be 3-6-25 Teizandori, Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, and the work location will be Miyagi Prefecture.
    2024-04-25 02: 41: 33

    We recommend starting in April!Inexperienced people are also welcome ★ Tohoku entering dormitory / high daily wage / daily payment possible

    Biceps Co., Ltd. Shiogama Office (Fukushima Area 1) Go to new job information page

    Even if you have no experience or qualifications, you can start with a high daily salary ♪ It's easy to work with a fully equipped dormitory ★ You can rest your body with Sundays, holidays, and other holidays (varies depending on the site) ◎ If you are interested, please apply! We are looking forward to your application! ★The following people are also welcome★ ・People who have lost work due to the effects of the coronavirus and want to earn a lot of money for a limited time ・People who want to acquire skills in the field and become independent in the future ・Able to greet well ★Working period★ ・Same-day work available!・Long-term work *If you wish to commute, please apply only if you can come at the meeting time. Due to great popularity, we are back again... \ April joining limited campaign / ▼ Special benefits for new employees! ① Joining bonus of 4 yen ② Work tool set (worth 2 yen) ③ Harness (worth 1 yen) You will receive one item from the above joining benefits! In addition... - Those who join the company in April will receive 5 yen as a new life support benefit in addition to the above benefits!・You can move into the dormitory immediately!

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Meal assistance
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    construction staff
    Daily salary 10,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture This station is not the nearest station.The interview location will be 3-6-25 Teizandori, Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, and the work location will be Miyagi Prefecture.
    2024-04-25 02: 41: 36

    Manufacturing staff★A wide range of people in their 20s to 40s are active! 8% of seniors started with no experience!

    Go to the job information page for UT Connect Co., Ltd. Gunsan Office/《BZXUA》_Fukushima Prefecture_1

    ●●Diverse career paths! ●● UT Group actively supports career development! <JOB Change> A system where employees themselves can apply for changes in placement or work!It is possible to work in a workplace that best matches your desires, qualifications, and abilities. <Base evaluation> A system that uses the work status evaluated from base salary (target management, work attitude, behavioral evaluation) and job salary (skills) as the basis for salary increases and bonuses!Receiving a fair evaluation will help you stay motivated! ●●Career improvement and career change! ●● <One UT> As an intra-group job change system, we support career changes to engineering positions at group companies.We offer comprehensive training! In fiscal 2019, 322 people made career changes across the group. ●●What is the indefinite-term temporary employment offered by UT Connect?●● After a hiring decision is made, you will enter into an indefinite employment contract with UT Connect and work at the dispatched company. Even if there is a period when you are not working at the dispatched company. Employment contract as a full-time employee

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Monthly salary 165,000 yen to 331,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture
    2024-04-05 02: 43: 02

    We recommend starting in April!Inexperienced people are also welcome ★ Tohoku entering dormitory / high daily wage / daily payment possible

    Biceps Co., Ltd. Shiogama Office (Fukushima area 1) dormitory job information page

    Even if you have no experience or qualifications, you can start with a high daily salary ♪ It's easy to work with a fully equipped dormitory ★ You can rest your body with Sundays, holidays, and other holidays (varies depending on the site) ◎ If you are interested, please apply! We are looking forward to your application! ★The following people are also welcome★ ・People who have lost work due to the effects of the coronavirus and want to earn a lot of money for a limited time ・People who want to acquire skills in the field and become independent in the future ・Able to greet well ★Working period★ ・Same-day work available!・Long-term work *If you wish to commute, please apply only if you can come at the meeting time. Due to great popularity, we are back again... \ April joining limited campaign / ▼ Special benefits for new employees! ① Joining bonus of 4 yen ② Work tool set (worth 2 yen) ③ Harness (worth 1 yen) You will receive one item from the above joining benefits! In addition... - Those who join the company in April will receive 5 yen as a new life support benefit in addition to the above benefits!・You can move into the dormitory immediately!

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Meal assistance
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Architectural and landscape staff
    Daily salary 10,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture This station is not the nearest station.The interview location will be 3-6-25 Teizandori, Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, and the work location will be Miyagi Prefecture.
    2024-04-25 02: 41: 35

    We recommend starting in April!Inexperienced people are also welcome ★ Tohoku entering dormitory / high daily wage / daily payment possible

    Biceps Co., Ltd. Shiogama Office (Fukushima Area 1) Go to new job information page

    Even if you have no experience or qualifications, you can start with a high daily salary ♪ It's easy to work with a fully equipped dormitory ★ You can rest your body with Sundays, holidays, and other holidays (varies depending on the site) ◎ If you are interested, please apply! We are looking forward to your application! ★The following people are also welcome★ ・People who have lost work due to the effects of the coronavirus and want to earn a lot of money for a limited time ・People who want to acquire skills in the field and become independent in the future ・Able to greet well ★Working period★ ・Same-day work available!・Long-term work *If you wish to commute, please apply only if you can come at the meeting time. Due to great popularity, we are back again... \ April joining limited campaign / ▼ Special benefits for new employees! ① Joining bonus of 4 yen ② Work tool set (worth 2 yen) ③ Harness (worth 1 yen) You will receive one item from the above joining benefits! In addition... - Those who join the company in April will receive 5 yen as a new life support benefit in addition to the above benefits!・You can move into the dormitory immediately!

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Meal assistance
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Architectural and landscape staff
    Daily salary 10,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture This station is not the nearest station.The interview location will be 3-6-25 Teizandori, Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, and the work location will be Miyagi Prefecture.
    2024-04-25 02: 41: 36

    We recommend starting in April!Inexperienced people are also welcome ★ Tohoku entering dormitory / high daily wage / daily payment possible

    To the recruitment information page of Biceps Co., Ltd. Shiogama Sales Office (Fukushima Area 1)

    Even if you have no experience or qualifications, you can start with a high daily salary ♪ It's easy to work with a fully equipped dormitory ★ You can rest your body with Sundays, holidays, and other holidays (varies depending on the site) ◎ If you are interested, please apply! We are looking forward to your application! ★The following people are also welcome★ ・People who have lost work due to the effects of the coronavirus and want to earn a lot of money for a limited time ・People who want to acquire skills in the field and become independent in the future ・Able to greet well ★Working period★ ・Same-day work available!・Long-term work *If you wish to commute, please apply only if you can come at the meeting time. Due to great popularity, we are back again... \ April joining limited campaign / ▼ Special benefits for new employees! ① Joining bonus of 4 yen ② Work tool set (worth 2 yen) ③ Harness (worth 1 yen) You will receive one item from the above joining benefits! In addition... - Those who join the company in April will receive 5 yen as a new life support benefit in addition to the above benefits!・You can move into the dormitory immediately!

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Meal assistance
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • There is a dormitory
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    construction staff
    Daily salary 10,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture This station is not the nearest station.The interview location will be 3-6-25 Teizandori, Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture, and the work location will be Miyagi Prefecture.
    2024-04-25 02: 41: 33

10 ofKoriyama There is a daily job offer. (1-10)