Miyagi prefecture and other areas Commuting by car OK Recommended job/part-time job recruitment

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Miyagi prefecture and other areas Commuting by car OK Recommended job information

【30件募集中】宮城県その他 車通勤OK オススメの現場求人・バイト募集。現場の仕事で手に職をつけて自分のキャリアを磨いていこう!株式会社ナノ・クリエイト カンパニー10000710,株式会社ナノ・クリエイト カンパニー10000707など宮城県その他 車通勤OK オススメの求人を掲載。ブルーカラーワークはゲンバーズでお探しください。

Miyagi prefecture and other areas Commuting by car OK Recommended job search results

30 ofThere are recommended job openings in Miyagi Prefecture and other areas where commuting by car is OK. (1-20)

    High-income production work in Murata Town ★ General production of special cutters!!

    To the job information page of Nano Create Company Co., Ltd. 10000710

    *This job is a temporary job.

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Production staff
    Hourly wage 1,150 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Murata Town, Shibata District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 42: 29

    Working the night shift from the evening in Zao Town! Easy inspection light work in a beautiful factory

    To the job information page of Nano Create Company Co., Ltd. 10000707

    *This job is a temporary job.

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,050 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Zao Town, Katta District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 42: 29

    Sorting and supply of received parts/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G2★16-S)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 宮城県・柴田郡柴田町 駅情報:槻木駅から車5分、東船岡駅から車5分、逢隈駅から車10分 ※主要路線(JR東北本線/阿武隈急行/JR常磐線) 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 8:05~16:35 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、通勤交通費別途支給 ※規定・支払い条件あり ◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応) 【時給備考】 ※時間外手当含む 【月収例】 23万5000円以上可(7時間30分×21日+残業手当) 【休日】 土日祝日 休日 【職場の雰囲気】 男女共に活躍中♪ しっかり休める休憩室あり! オンオフの切替もできちゃう! ロッカーあり! 残業が多めだからしっかり稼ぎたい方にもオススメ! 【面接地】 仙台店 仙台市青葉区一番町4-6-1 仙台第一生命タワービルディング18F 【応募方法】 [応募画面に進む]をクリックし必要事項入力後送信下さい。 ご連絡の際は「1314GH0408G2★16-S」を

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    packing staff
    Hourly wage 1,250 yen to 1,563 yen
    Busan Area
    Shibata-cho, Shibata-gun, Miyagi Prefecture (place of work) 4-6-1 Ichiban-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City Sendai Dai-ichi Life Tower Building 18F (interview)
    2024-04-09 02: 42: 08

    Battery assembly/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G2★44-S)

    ※こちらは派遣のお仕事です 【勤務地】 宮城県・黒川郡大和町 駅情報:古川駅から車30分、品井沼駅から車30分、利府駅から車35分 ※主要路線(JR陸羽東線/JR東北本線) 詳細な勤務地につきましては、面接時にご確認をお願いいたします。 【勤務時間】 A.(2交替)8:30~20:45、20:30~翌8:45/B.(2交替)8:30~17:15、17:00~翌1:45※生産状況による※Aは1年単位の変形労働制 【待遇】 各種保険・手当、有給、制服あり(無料)、通勤交通費別途支給 ※規定・支払い条件あり ◆オンライン医師相談サポート(24H対応) 【時給備考】 ※時間外・深夜手当含む 【月収例】 38万円以上可(11時間×21日+深夜手当)※1年単位の変形労働制※Aの場合 【休日】 シフト制 【職場の雰囲気】 休憩室・ロッカー完備! 残業も出来るからしっかり稼ぎたい方にオススメ! サポートもバッチリだから未経験からでも安心してスタートできますよ! 【面接地】 古川店 大崎市古川駅前大通2-6-16 古川土

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    inspection staff
    Hourly wage 1,600 yen to 2,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Taiwa-cho, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi (work location) 2-6-16 Furukawa Ekimae Odori, Osaki-shi Furukawa Land Building 2F (interview)
    2024-04-09 02: 41: 48

    [Large increase in the number of employees!] High income from light work in Yamamoto Town ★ Popular day shift!!

    To the job information page of Nano Create Company Co., Ltd. 10000558

    *This job is a temporary job.

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,200 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Yamamoto Town, Watari District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 42: 29

    Manufacturing work for light work in Murata Town!You can choose from day shift or 2 shifts.

    To the job information page of Nano Create Company Co., Ltd. (ID: na0601092122-67w)

    High hourly wage of 1,150 yen★Saturdays and Sundays off♪Inexperienced people who want to acquire specialized skills!Please feel free to contact us! ! [A company that values ​​people above all else! 】 At Nano Create Company, our staff are our number one priority♪ If you have even the slightest bit of interest in our company, or if you have any complaints about the temporary staffing agency you are currently working for, we will always warmly welcome you!Please feel free to contact us. [Close to the local area!We are a company that is loved by the local community] We are focusing on local activities in Shirakawa, where our head office is located, and in Iwanuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, where we have a sales office. There are a lot of jobs in Ibaraki Prefecture! ! ■I want to earn stable income! ■ I want a part-time job within my dependents! ■I want to earn money in a short period of time! ■I want to earn a high income!We will introduce you to a job that meets your needs.Feel free to ask me anything♪

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • There are various benefits
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Processing, inspection and packing of cutter products
    Hourly wage 1,150 yen ~ Estimated monthly income 185,000 yen ~ (Hourly wage 1150 yen x 7 hours 40 minutes x 21 days work calculation) ★Daily/weekly payment OK♪
    Busan Area
    Murata Town, Shibata District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-13 06: 46: 19

    [Yamamoto Town] High hourly wage of 1,150 yen for a day shift worker ★Manufacturing work at a factory!

    To the job information page of Nano Create Company Co., Ltd. (ID: na0601092122-87w)

    Large increase in new staff due to increased production of new models! ! Middle-aged male and female staff in their 40s and 50s are also active♪ [A company that values ​​people above all else! 】 At Nano Create Company, our staff are our number one priority♪ If you have even the slightest bit of interest in our company, or if you have any complaints about the temporary staffing agency you are currently working for, we will always warmly welcome you!Please feel free to contact us. [Close to the local area!We are a company that is loved by the local community] We are focusing on local activities in Shirakawa, where our head office is located, and in Iwanuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, where we have a sales office. There are a lot of jobs in Ibaraki Prefecture! ! ■I want to earn stable income! ■ I want a part-time job within my dependents! ■I want to earn money in a short period of time! ■I want to earn a high income!We will introduce you to a job that meets your needs.Feel free to ask me anything♪

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • There are various benefits
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Manufacture of amusement machines
    Hourly wage 1,150 yen~ Estimated monthly income: 18 yen or more (20 days of work) Daily/Weekly payment OK♪
    Busan Area
    Yamamoto Town, Watari District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-13 06: 46: 24

    [Large increase! ] High income with light work in Yamamoto Town ★ It is a popular day shift! !

    To the job information page of Nano Create Company Co., Ltd. (ID: na0601092122-66w)

    High hourly wage of 1150 yen, full-time during the day, stable income ♪ happy Saturdays and Sundays off! Men and women in their 20s to 50s are active! [A company that values ​​people above all else! 】 At Nano Create Company, our staff are our number one priority♪ If you have even the slightest bit of interest in our company, or if you have any complaints about the temporary staffing agency you are currently working for, we will always warmly welcome you!Please feel free to contact us. [Close to the local area!We are a company that is loved by the local community] We are focusing on local activities in Shirakawa, where our head office is located, and in Iwanuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, where we have a sales office. There are a lot of jobs in Ibaraki Prefecture! ! ■I want to earn stable income! ■ I want a part-time job within my dependents! ■I want to earn money in a short period of time! ■I want to earn a high income!We will introduce you to a job that meets your needs.Feel free to ask me anything♪

    • Daily payment
    • Paid weekly
    • Transportation expenses paid
    • There are various benefits
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Assembling the UFO catcher machine
    Hourly wage 1,150 yen ~ Estimated monthly income 193,200 yen (hourly wage 1150 yen x 8 hours x 21 days work calculation) Daily payment / weekly payment OK ♪
    Busan Area
    Yamamoto Town, Watari District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-13 06: 46: 18

    Inexperienced people welcome!We will give you 10 yen as a joining bonus!Drug manufacturing OP!Hourly wage 1400 yen!Bonuses available!

    Go to the job information page of Gunma General Staff Co., Ltd. (ID:ku0553090523-11w)

    Inexperienced welcome!We have great support!In accordance with company regulations, there is a 3-point system below.We will give you 10 yen as a joining bonus!Plenty of welfare benefits such as pay raises and retirement systems!Bonuses available!

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Pharmaceutical manufacturing OP
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen [Monthly salary example] 240,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Misato Town, Kodama District, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-17 05: 41: 18

    Inexperienced people are welcome!We will give you 10 yen as a joining bonus!Drug manufacturing OP!Hourly wage 1400 yen

    Go to the job information page of Gunma General Staff Co., Ltd. (ID:ku0553090523-11w)

    Inexperienced welcome!We have great support!In accordance with company regulations, there is a 3-point system below.We will give you 10 yen as a joining bonus!Plenty of welfare benefits such as pay raises and retirement systems!Bonuses available!

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Pharmaceutical manufacturing OP
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen [Monthly salary example] 240,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Misato Town, Kodama District, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-17 05: 41: 19

    [Kurokawa-gun Ohira Village] Weekly payment possible ◆ Dormitory fee free! No experience required◆Manufacturing the latest hybrid vehicles

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-117w)

    ★Weekly payment OK★Free dormitory fee (regulations apply)! Fully equipped with a one-room dormitory with daily necessities♪Free transportation from the dormitory♪Furthermore, there is a wage increase up to 1550 yen per hour♪Inexperienced people are welcome! This is a popular workplace with the generous support of dedicated staff! You will receive specialized training at our facility before being assigned, so you can start with peace of mind! [Job No.] 2A580 [Qualifications] No experience required [Benefits] Fully equipped with social insurance, paid vacation system, commuting transportation expenses provided, one-room dormitory provided, transfer expenses paid, commuting by car possible, uniform loan *Depends on workplace [Holidays] Saturdays and Sundays closed WEB/Visit is OK! New registration will receive 1000 yen worth of electronic money! ! *Regulations apply

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hourly wage 1,450 yen ~ Monthly income 335000 yen or more possible Breakdown: 156.6 hours + overtime 1813 yen x 40 hours + vacation 1813 yen x 7.83 hours + late night 363 yen x 60 hours
    Busan Area
    Ohira Village, Kurokawa District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-20 05: 41: 46

    Inexperienced people are welcome!We will give you 10 yen as a joining bonus!Drug manufacturing OP!Hourly wage 1400 yen

    Go to the job information page of Gunma General Staff Co., Ltd. (ID:ku0553090523-11w)

    Inexperienced welcome!We have great support!In accordance with company regulations, there is a 3-point system below.We will give you 10 yen as a joining bonus!Plenty of welfare benefits such as pay raises and retirement systems!Bonuses available!

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Pharmaceutical manufacturing OP
    Hourly wage 1,400 yen [Monthly salary example] 240,000 yen
    Busan Area
    Misato Town, Kodama District, Saitama Prefecture
    2024-04-17 05: 41: 18

    [Wakuya Town, Toda District] Weekly payment possible ◆ No experience required! Commuting by car OK ◆ Assembly and inspection of in-vehicle parts

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-97w)

    [Weekly pay OK] One of the highest hourly wages in the area! However, it is easy and light work that even inexperienced people can do♪ Many people in their 20s to 50s are working here! Our senior employees will teach you well, so don't worry even if you have no experience in a factory! [Job No.] 2A1273 [Qualifications] No experience required [Benefits] Complete social insurance, paid vacation system available, commuting transportation expenses provided, commuting by car possible, uniform loan *Depending on workplace [Holidays] Saturdays and Sundays off *Work calendar during busy seasons Either online or visiting is OK! New registration will receive 1000 yen worth of electronic money! ! *Regulations apply

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Hourly wage: 1,500 yen ~ Monthly income: 245000 yen or more Breakdown: 150 hours + overtime 1875 yen x 5 hours + late night 375 yen x 30 hours
    Busan Area
    Wakuya Town, Toda District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-20 05: 41: 39

    [Sanuma, Sako-cho, Tome City] Weekly payment possible ◆Free dormitory fee! No experience required ◆ Machine operator/inspection of smartphone parts

    Go to the job information page of Nikken Total Sourcing Co., Ltd. Head Office (ID:ni0749020124-112w)

    Fully equipped one-room dormitory with free dormitory fees (regulations apply)! You can move into the dormitory immediately! The dormitory is located near the factory, so commuting is easy! There are supermarkets, home centers, bento shops, and restaurants around the dormitory, making it convenient for daily life! There is a cheap cafeteria at work that will satisfy you! Set meal starts from 260 yen and has a wide variety of menus♪ It is said to be very delicious! Don't worry even if you don't have any experience in a factory! We will provide you with detailed work guidance for one month after joining! Most of our staff are starting with no experience. You don't have to worry if you have a problem because our senior staff will be happy to help you.We also have a salary increase system! We have a full-time employee promotion system! The temperature inside the factory is controlled, so it's a comfortable and easy-to-work workplace in all seasons! [Job No.] 1A2 [Qualifications] No experience required [Benefits] Fully equipped with social insurance, paid vacation system, commuting transportation expenses provided, one-room dormitory provided, transfer expenses paid, commuting by car possible, uniform loan *Depends on workplace [Holidays] Complete 474 days off per week *You can either visit the website or visit according to the workplace calendar! New registration will receive 2 yen worth of electronic money! ! *Regulations apply

    • Transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Appointment of employees
    • There is a dormitory
    • Hairstyle free
    Job category
    Machine operator
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen ~ Monthly income 270000 yen or more possible *Salary increase system available Breakdown: 155 hours + overtime 1625 yen x 30 hours + late night 325 yen x 62.5 hours
    Busan Area
    Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-20 05: 41: 45

    ☆ <Environment with full treatment> ☆ Inexperienced OK pachinko parlor clean cast recruitment ♪

    Go to Am's Garden Rifu store (night cleaning staff) job information page

    * For measures against second-hand smoke, please contact the company after applying.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Cleaning staff
    Hourly wage 923 yen ~
    Busan Area
    83-1 Choja-mae, Idoi, Rifu-cho, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi-ken
    2024-04-01 02: 41: 49

    No heavy items!Making car parts☆/Daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0408G2★56-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Kurihara City, Miyagi Prefecture Station information: 12 minutes by car from Semine Station, 20 minutes by car from Kurikoma Kogen Station, 25 minutes by car from Uenome Station *Major routes (JR Tohoku Main Line/ JR Rikuu East Line) Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] (2 shifts) 8:30 - 17:15, 20:30 - 5:30 the next day *Depends on production status [Benefits] Various insurance and allowances, paid, uniform provided, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Rules and payment Conditions apply ◆Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) [Hourly wage notes] *Includes overtime and late-night allowances [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays [Workplace atmosphere] We also have a large number of temporary staff! Fully equipped with lockers/rest rooms! It's a new factory, so You can work in a clean and comfortable environment ♪ The availability of tea and ice during breaks is also popular ♪ [Interview location] Furukawa store 2F Furukawa Tochi Building, 6-16-2 Furukawa Ekimae Odori, Osaki City [How to apply] [On the application screen] Click [Proceed], enter the required information, and then send.When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0408G2★56-N" to the person in charge.

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,200 yen to 1,500 yen
    Busan Area
    Kurihara City, Miyagi Prefecture (place of work) 2-6-16 Furukawa Ekimae Odori, Osaki City Furukawa Tochi Building 2F (interview)
    2024-04-06 02: 42: 34

    Semiconductor machine assembly @major company/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0422G1★93-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Yamatocho Station, Kurokawa District, Miyagi Prefecture Information: 15 minutes by car from Izumi Chuo Station, 20 minutes by car from Kita-Sendai Station, 30 minutes by car from Sendai Station *Major lines (Sendai City Subway) Namboku Line/JR Senzan Line/Sendai City Subway Tozai Line/JR Senseki Line/JR Tohoku Main Line) Please confirm detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 8:20-17:15 [Benefits] Various insurances and allowances, paid, uniform provided, commuting transportation expenses paid separately *Rules and payment conditions apply ◆Online doctor consultation support (available 24 hours) [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Holidays [Workplace Atmosphere] The working environment is a state-of-the-art factory with heating and air conditioning, making it comfortable all year round! Both men and women are active. [Interview location] Sendai store 4th floor, Sendai Dai-ichi Life Tower Building, 6-1-18 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit.When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0422G1★93-N" to the person in charge. [Procedure after application] We will contact you later. *Email address

    • Daily payment
    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Car commuting OK
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,165 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Taiwa-cho, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi (work location) 4-6-1 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City Sendai Daiichi Seimei Tower Building 18F (interview)
    2024-04-20 02: 42: 20

    Assembly with electric screwdriver/daily payment OK

    To the recruitment information page of Sogo Career Option Co., Ltd. (1314GH0422G2★41-N)

    *This is a temporary job. [Work location] Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture Station information: 20 minutes by car from Nitta Station, 25 minutes by car from Yanaizu Station, 25 minutes by car from Semine Station *Major routes (JR Tohoku Main Line/JR Kesennuma Line) Please confirm the detailed work location at the time of interview. [Working hours] 8:30-17:00 [Benefits] Various insurances and allowances, paid, uniform included *Rules and payment conditions apply *Depends on workplace ◆Online doctor consultation support (24 hours available) [Hourly wage notes] *Overtime allowance Including [Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Holidays [Workplace atmosphere] There is also a break space where you can take a breather! Perfect for those who have a lot of things to carry ☆ Workplace with lockers ♪ A job with plenty of overtime! We support those who want to start with no experience! Things you don't understand and concerns They will tell you everything! [Interview location] Furukawa Tochi Building 2F, 6-16-2 Furukawa Ekimae Odori, Osaki City [How to apply] Click [Proceed to application screen], enter the required information, and then submit. When contacting us, please quote "1314GH0422G2★41-N" to the person in charge. [After application

    • Daily payment
    • Car commuting OK
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    assembly staff
    Hourly wage 1,100 yen to 1,375 yen
    Busan Area
    Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture (place of work) 2-6-16 Furukawa Ekimae Odori, Osaki City Furukawa Tochi Building 2F (interview)
    2024-04-20 02: 42: 35

    << 3 months continuous service incentives available >> Inexperienced welcome ◎ Would you like to start a delivery/guidance job?

    Go to Miyagi Co-op Home Delivery Management Department Sako Center job information page

    ★Various ways to work★We support balancing family and work♪ "I want to work until the evening and make a lot of money" "I want to work while my children go to school or kindergarten." Please contact the company later.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    • Appointment of employees
    • Full company insurance
    Job category
    Hourly wage 1,300 yen ~
    Busan Area
    22 Funahashi-mae Kitagata, Hasamacho, Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 41: 19

    << Recruitment of security staff >> Inexperienced welcome ◎ Would you like to start working to protect the city of Miyagi?

    Ace Security Co., Ltd. Watari office job information page

    Even if you are a beginner, we will carefully guide you so that you can work smoothly at the site.3 days of legal training (1 hours a day) Hourly wage 7 yen Recruiting people aged 53 and over (* due to exception No. 18) Payment of examination fee for qualification *Please contact the company after applying for second-hand smoke measures.

    • Interview transportation expenses paid
    • Work clothes rental
    • Car commuting OK
    • Education unquestioned
    • Experienced people welcome
    • Apprentice welcome
    • Part-time worker
    Job category
    Security staff
    Hourly wage 1,000 yen ~
    Busan Area
    Green House Ichibankan, 1-4 Okuma Takaya Tanago, Watari Town, Watari District, Miyagi Prefecture
    2024-04-01 02: 41: 45

30 ofThere are recommended job openings in Miyagi Prefecture and other areas where commuting by car is OK. (1-20)